Kohlen W

References (6)

Title : Tomato strigolactones: a more detailed look - Kohlen_2013_Plant.Signal.Behav_8_e22785
Author(s) : Kohlen W , Charnikhova T , Bours R , Lopez-Raez JA , Bouwmeester H
Ref : Plant Signal Behav , 8 :e22785 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kohlen_2013_Plant.Signal.Behav_8_e22785
PubMedID: 23221743

Title : The effects of auxin and strigolactones on tuber initiation and stolon architecture in potato - Roumeliotis_2012_J.Exp.Bot_63_4539
Author(s) : Roumeliotis E , Kloosterman B , Oortwijn M , Kohlen W , Bouwmeester HJ , Visser RG , Bachem CW
Ref : J Exp Bot , 63 :4539 , 2012
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Title : A petunia ABC protein controls strigolactone-dependent symbiotic signalling and branching - Kretzschmar_2012_Nature_483_341
Author(s) : Kretzschmar T , Kohlen W , Sasse J , Borghi L , Schlegel M , Bachelier JB , Reinhardt D , Bours R , Bouwmeester HJ , Martinoia E
Ref : Nature , 483 :341 , 2012
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Title : Aromatic A-ring analogues of orobanchol, new germination stimulants for seeds of parasitic weeds - Malik_2011_Org.Biomol.Chem_9_2286
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Ref : Org Biomol Chem , 9 :2286 , 2011
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Title : Strigolactones are transported through the xylem and play a key role in shoot architectural response to phosphate deficiency in nonarbuscular mycorrhizal host Arabidopsis - Kohlen_2011_Plant.Physiol_155_974
Author(s) : Kohlen W , Charnikhova T , Liu Q , Bours R , Domagalska MA , Beguerie S , Verstappen F , Leyser O , Bouwmeester H , Ruyter-Spira C
Ref : Plant Physiol , 155 :974 , 2011
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PubMedID: 21119045

Title : Tomato strigolactones are derived from carotenoids and their biosynthesis is promoted by phosphate starvation - Lopez-Raez_2008_New.Phytol_178_863
Author(s) : Lopez-Raez JA , Charnikhova T , Gomez-Roldan V , Matusova R , Kohlen W , De Vos R , Verstappen F , Puech-Pages V , Becard G , Mulder P , Bouwmeester H
Ref : New Phytol , 178 :863 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lopez-Raez_2008_New.Phytol_178_863
PubMedID: 18346111