Kolak U

References (12)

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Title : Selective in vitro and in silico enzymes inhibitory activities of phenolic acids and flavonoids of food plants: Relations with oxidative stress - Yener_2020_Food.Chem_327_127045
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Title : Phytochemical and biological investigations on two Nepeta species: Nepeta heliotropifolia and N. congesta subsp. cryptantha - Akdeniz_2019_J.Food.Biochem__e13124
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Title : Chemical profile and biological activities of Veronica thymoides subsp. pseudocinerea - Ertas_2015_Pharm.Biol_53_334
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Title : Essential oil compositions and anticholinesterase activities of two edible plants Tragopogon latifolius var. angustifolius and Lycopsis orientalis - Ertas_2014_Nat.Prod.Res_28_1405
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Title : Chemical compositions by using LC-MS\/MS and GC-MS and biological activities of Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau - Ertas_2014_J.Agric.Food.Chem_62_4601
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Title : Antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of eleven edible plants - Boga_2011_Pharm.Biol_49_290
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Title : GC-MS analysis of the antioxidant active fractions of Micromeria juliana with anticholinesterase activity - Ozturk_2009_Nat.Prod.Commun_4_1271
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