Kuhl M

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Title : Complete genome sequence of the cystic fibrosis pathogen Achromobacter xylosoxidans NH44784-1996 complies with important pathogenic phenotypes - Jakobsen_2013_PLoS.One_8_e68484
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Gene_locus related to this paper: alcxx-e5ugy5 , alcxx-f7t0m7 , alcxx-r4xy00 , alcxx-r4xlj8 , alcxx-r4y293

Title : In situ analysis of nitrogen fixation and metabolic switching in unicellular thermophilic cyanobacteria inhabiting hot spring microbial mats - Steunou_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_2398
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Gene_locus related to this paper: synja-q2jrn3 , synja-q2jsq4 , synja-q2jth8 , synjb-q2jik5 , synjb-q2jjg1 , synjb-q2jl83 , synjb-q2jp12