Moser C

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Ref : PLoS ONE , 8 :e68484 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jakobsen_2013_PLoS.One_8_e68484
PubMedID: 23894309
Gene_locus related to this paper: alcxx-e5ugy5 , alcxx-f7t0m7 , alcxx-r4xy00 , alcxx-r4xlj8 , alcxx-r4y293

Title : A high quality draft consensus sequence of the genome of a heterozygous grapevine variety - Velasco_2007_PLoS.One_2_e1326
Author(s) : Velasco R , Zharkikh A , Troggio M , Cartwright DA , Cestaro A , Pruss D , Pindo M , FitzGerald LM , Vezzulli S , Reid J , Malacarne G , Iliev D , Coppola G , Wardell B , Micheletti D , Macalma T , Facci M , Mitchell JT , Perazzolli M , Eldredge G , Gatto P , Oyzerski R , Moretto M , Gutin N , Stefanini M , Chen Y , Segala C , Davenport C , Dematte L , Mraz A , Battilana J , Stormo K , Costa F , Tao Q , Si-Ammour A , Harkins T , Lackey A , Perbost C , Taillon B , Stella A , Solovyev V , Fawcett JA , Sterck L , Vandepoele K , Grando SM , Toppo S , Moser C , Lanchbury J , Bogden R , Skolnick M , Sgaramella V , Bhatnagar SK , Fontana P , Gutin A , Van de Peer Y , Salamini F , Viola R
Ref : PLoS ONE , 2 :e1326 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Velasco_2007_PLoS.One_2_e1326
PubMedID: 18094749
Gene_locus related to this paper: vitvi-a5ajc4 , vitvi-a5ama3 , vitvi-a5ane2 , vitvi-a5ayn8 , vitvi-a5b3m9 , vitvi-a5b5p5 , vitvi-a5b6n6 , vitvi-a5b6r9 , vitvi-a5b7c0 , vitvi-a5b7e5 , vitvi-a5b8k1 , vitvi-a5b8l9 , vitvi-a5b8q6 , vitvi-a5bft8 , vitvi-a5bji4 , vitvi-a5bkl0 , vitvi-a5blq0 , vitvi-a5bm71 , vitvi-a5bub9 , vitvi-a5c1g2 , vitvi-a5c6e7 , vitvi-a5c8m8 , vitvi-a5c8p7 , vitvi-a5c9w6 , vitvi-a7pnb4 , vitvi-d7t940 , vitvi-d7tpk8 , vitvi-f6hhx5 , vitvi-f6hqf1 , vitvi-d7tum4 , vitvi-d7stm8 , vitvi-a5bej7 , vitvi-e0cv10 , vitvi-f6gtp7 , vitvi-a5bej5 , vitvi-a5avx0