Kurimoto E

References (2)

Title : TAK-071, a novel M1 positive allosteric modulator with low cooperativity, improves cognitive function in rodents with few cholinergic side effects - Sako_2019_Neuropsychopharmacology_44_950
Author(s) : Sako Y , Kurimoto E , Mandai T , Suzuki A , Tanaka M , Suzuki M , Shimizu Y , Yamada M , Kimura H
Ref : Neuropsychopharmacology , 44 :950 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sako_2019_Neuropsychopharmacology_44_950
PubMedID: 30089885

Title : TAK-071, a muscarinic M1 receptor positive allosteric modulator, attenuates scopolamine-induced quantitative electroencephalogram power spectral changes in cynomolgus monkeys - Kurimoto_2019_PLoS.One_14_e0207969
Author(s) : Kurimoto E , Nakashima M , Kimura H , Suzuki M
Ref : PLoS ONE , 14 :e0207969 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kurimoto_2019_PLoS.One_14_e0207969
PubMedID: 30856192