Liu WD

References (2)

Title : Computational redesign of a PETase for plastic biodegradation by the GRAPE strategy - Cui_2020_Biorxiv__
Author(s) : Cui YL , Chen YC , Liu XY , Dong SJ , Han J , Xiang H , Chen Q , Liu HY , Han X , Liu WD , Tang SY , Wu B
Ref : Biorxiv , : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cui_2020_Biorxiv__
Gene_locus related to this paper: idesa-peth

Title : Crystal Structure of a Mycoestrogen-Detoxifying Lactonase from Rhinocladiella mackenziei: Molecular Insight into ZHD Substrate Selectivity - Zheng_2018_ACS.Catal_8_4294
Author(s) : Zheng YY , Liu WT , Chen CC , Hu XY , Liu WD , Ko TP , Tang XK , Wei HL , Huang JW , Guo RT
Ref : ACS Catal , 8 :4294 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zheng_2018_ACS.Catal_8_4294
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9euro-a0a0d2ilk1