Luedtke S


Full name : Luedtke Stephanie

First name : Stephanie

Mail : Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences\; University of California at San Diego\; 9500 Gilman Drive\; La Jolla\; CA 92093-0650

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City : San Diego

Country : USA

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References (1)

Title : Backbone Conformation Shifts in X-ray Structures of Human Acetylcholinesterase upon Covalent Organophosphate Inhibition - Luedtke_2021_Crystals_11_1270
Author(s) : Luedtke S , Bojo C , Li Y , Luna E , Bianca Pomar , Radic Z
Ref : Crystals , 11 :1270 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Luedtke_2021_Crystals_11_1270