Martinez-Aguirre Mdel R

References (1)

Title : Determination of baseline susceptibility of European populations of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) to indoxacarb and chlorantraniliprole using a novel dip bioassay method - Roditakis_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_217
Author(s) : Roditakis E , Skarmoutsou C , Staurakaki M , Martinez-Aguirre Mdel R , Garcia-Vidal L , Bielza P , Haddi K , Rapisarda C , Rison JL , Bassi A , Teixeira LA
Ref : Pest Manag Sci , 69 :217 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Roditakis_2013_Pest.Manag.Sci_69_217
PubMedID: 23034903