Title : Identification of two different point mutations associated with the fluoride-resistant phenotype for human butyrylcholinesterase - Nogueira_1992_Am.J.Hum.Genet_51_821 |
Author(s) : Nogueira CP , Bartels CF , McGuire MC , Adkins S , Lubrano T , Rubinstein HM , Lightstone H , van der Spek AF , Lockridge O , La Du BN |
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 51 :821 , 1992 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nogueira_1992_Am.J.Hum.Genet_51_821 |
PubMedID: 1415224 |
Title : Poster: Identification of two different mutations associated with human butyrylcholinesterase fluoride resistance in serum - |
Author(s) : Bartels CF , Nogueira CP , McGuire MC , Adkins S , Lockridge O , La Du BN , Rubinstein HM , Lubrano T , van der Spek AF , Lightstone H |
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :190 , 1991 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Identification of a frameshift mutation responsible for the silent phenotype of human serum cholinesterase, Gly 117 (GGT----GGAG) - Nogueira_1990_Am.J.Hum.Genet_46_934 |
Author(s) : Nogueira CP , McGuire MC , Graeser C , Bartels CF , Arpagaus M , van der Spek AF , Lightstone H , Lockridge O , La Du BN |
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 46 :934 , 1990 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nogueira_1990_Am.J.Hum.Genet_46_934 |
PubMedID: 2339692 |
Title : Identification of a frameshift mutation (gly 117, GGT-to-GGAG) responsible for a silent phenotype of human serum cholinesterase. (Abstract) - |
Author(s) : Nogueira CP , McGuire MC , Bartels CF , van der Spek AF , Lightstone H , Lockridge O , La Du BN |
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 45 (suppl.) :A210 , 1989 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Identification of the structural mutation responsible for the dibucaine-resistant (atypical) variant form of human serum cholinesterase - McGuire_1989_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_86_953 |
Author(s) : McGuire MC , Nogueira CP , Bartels CF , Lightstone H , Hajra A , van der Spek AF , Lockridge O , La Du BN |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 86 :953 , 1989 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : McGuire_1989_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_86_953 |
PubMedID: 2915989 |