Title : Identification of Cannabidiolic and Cannabigerolic Acids as MTDL AChE, BuChE, and BACE-1 Inhibitors Against Alzheimer's Disease by In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Studies - Vitale_2024_Phytother.Res__ |
Author(s) : Vitale RM , Morace AM , D'Errico A , Ricciardi F , Fusco A , Boccella S , Guida F , Nasso R , Rading S , Karsak M , Caprioglio D , Iannotti FA , Arcone R , Luongo L , Masullo M , Maione S , Amodeo P |
Ref : Phytother Res , : , 2024 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Vitale_2024_Phytother.Res__ |
PubMedID: 39510547 |
Title : Identification and Characterization of Neuroprotective Properties of Thaumatin-like Protein 1a from Annurca Apple Flesh Polyphenol Extract - D'Errico_2024_Nutrients_16_ |
Author(s) : D'Errico A , Nasso R , Di Maro A , Landi N , Chambery A , Russo R , D'Angelo S , Masullo M , Arcone R |
Ref : Nutrients , 16 : , 2024 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : D'Errico_2024_Nutrients_16_ |
PubMedID: 38276545 |
Title : Inhibition of Enzymes Involved in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Abeta(1-40) Aggregation by Citrus limon Peel Polyphenol Extract - Arcone_2023_Molecules_28_ |
Author(s) : Arcone R , D'Errico A , Nasso R , Rullo R , Poli A , Di Donato P , Masullo M |
Ref : Molecules , 28 : , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Arcone_2023_Molecules_28_ |
PubMedID: 37687161 |
Title : Annurca Apple Polyphenol Extract Affects Acetyl- Cholinesterase and Mono-Amine Oxidase In Vitro Enzyme Activity - Nasso_2021_Pharmaceuticals.(Basel)_14_ |
Author(s) : Nasso R , Pagliara V , D'Angelo S , Rullo R , Masullo M , Arcone R |
Ref : Pharmaceuticals (Basel) , 14 : , 2021 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nasso_2021_Pharmaceuticals.(Basel)_14_ |
PubMedID: 33466604 |
Title : Lemon Peel Polyphenol Extract Reduces Interleukin-6-Induced Cell Migration, Invasiveness, and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9\/2 Expression in Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma MKN-28 and AGS Cell Lines - Pagliara_2019_Biomolecules_9_ |
Author(s) : Pagliara V , Nasso R , Di Donato P , Finore I , Poli A , Masullo M , Arcone R |
Ref : Biomolecules , 9 : , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pagliara_2019_Biomolecules_9_ |
PubMedID: 31817563 |