Navone N

References (1)

Title : The expression of YWHAZ and NDRG1 predicts aggressive outcome in human prostate cancer - Lage-Vickers_2021_Commun.Biol_4_103
Author(s) : Lage-Vickers S , Bizzotto J , Valacco MP , Sanchis P , Nemirovsky S , Labanca E , Scorticati C , Mazza O , Mitrofanova A , Navone N , Vazquez E , Cotignola J , Gueron G
Ref : Commun Biol , 4 :103 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lage-Vickers_2021_Commun.Biol_4_103
PubMedID: 33483585
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NDRG1