Olivera BM


Full name : Olivera Baldomero M

First name : Baldomero M

Mail : School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

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Country : USA

Email : olivera@biology.utah.edu

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References (7)

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Title : Peptide-toxin tools for probing the expression and function of fetal and adult subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Teichert_2008_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_1132_61
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Title : Alpha-RgIA: a novel conotoxin that specifically and potently blocks the alpha9alpha10 nAChR - Ellison_2006_Biochemistry_45_1511
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Title : A novel alpha-conotoxin, PeIA, cloned from Conus pergrandis, discriminates between rat alpha9alpha10 and alpha7 nicotinic cholinergic receptors - McIntosh_2005_J.Biol.Chem_280_30107
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Title : Alpha-conotoxins ImI and ImII target distinct regions of the human alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and distinguish human nicotinic receptor subtypes - Ellison_2004_Biochemistry_43_16019
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