Oslan SN

References (4)

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Author(s) : Eskandari A , Leow TC , Rahman MBA , Oslan SN
Ref : Int Microbiol , : , 2024
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Title : Cold-Active Lipases and Esterases: A Review on Recombinant Overexpression and Other Essential Issues - Matinja_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_
Author(s) : Matinja AI , Kamarudin NHA , Leow ATC , Oslan SN , Ali MSM
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Title : A Host-Vector System for the Expression of a Thermostable Bacterial Lipase in a Locally Isolated Meyerozyma guilliermondii SMB - Salleh_2020_Microorganisms_8_1738
Author(s) : Salleh AB , Baharuddin SM , Rahman RNZRA , Leow ATC , Basri M , Oslan SN
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Title : A Novel Mini Protein Design of Haloalkane Dehalogenase - Daud_2019_Mol.Biotechnol_61_477
Author(s) : Daud NH , Leow ATC , Oslan SN , Salleh AB
Ref : Mol Biotechnol , 61 :477 , 2019
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Gene_locus related to this paper: xanau-halo1