Palm P

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Title : Chloride and organic osmolytes: a hybrid strategy to cope with elevated salinities by the moderately halophilic, chloride-dependent bacterium Halobacillus halophilus - Saum_2013_Environ.Microbiol_15_1619
Author(s) : Saum SH , Pfeiffer F , Palm P , Rampp M , Schuster SC , Muller V , Oesterhelt D
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 15 :1619 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Saum_2013_Environ.Microbiol_15_1619
PubMedID: 22583374
Gene_locus related to this paper: halh3-i0jpy5 , halh3-i0jix5 , halh3-i0jqb3 , halh3-i0jhy8 , halh3-i0jln3 , halh3-i0jt96

Title : Evolution in the laboratory: the genome of Halobacterium salinarum strain R1 compared to that of strain NRC-1 - Pfeiffer_2008_Genomics_91_335
Author(s) : Pfeiffer F , Schuster SC , Broicher A , Falb M , Palm P , Rodewald K , Ruepp A , Soppa J , Tittor J , Oesterhelt D
Ref : Genomics , 91 :335 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pfeiffer_2008_Genomics_91_335
PubMedID: 18313895
Gene_locus related to this paper: hals3-b0r3a9 , halsp-VNG0675C , halsp-Vng6296c , halsp-YUXL

Title : The genome of the square archaeon Haloquadratum walsbyi : life at the limits of water activity - Bolhuis_2006_BMC.Genomics_7_169
Author(s) : Bolhuis H , Palm P , Wende A , Falb M , Rampp M , Rodriguez-Valera F , Pfeiffer F , Oesterhelt D
Ref : BMC Genomics , 7 :169 , 2006
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PubMedSearch : Bolhuis_2006_BMC.Genomics_7_169
PubMedID: 16820047
Gene_locus related to this paper: halwd-q18e47 , halwd-q18e77 , halwd-q18gm0 , halwd-q18hy1 , halwd-q18jx1

Title : Living with two extremes: conclusions from the genome sequence of Natronomonas pharaonis - Falb_2005_Genome.Res_15_1336
Author(s) : Falb M , Pfeiffer F , Palm P , Rodewald K , Hickmann V , Tittor J , Oesterhelt D
Ref : Genome Res , 15 :1336 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Falb_2005_Genome.Res_15_1336
PubMedID: 16169924
Gene_locus related to this paper: natpd-metx , natpd-q3im79 , natpd-q3inx9 , natpd-q3ip64 , natpd-q3iqz6 , natpd-q3ith9 , natpd-q3itl3 , natpd-q3itp6