Parks DH

References (4)

Title : Successional dynamics and alternative stable states in a saline activated sludge microbial community over 9 years - Wang_2021_Microbiome_9_199
Author(s) : Wang Y , Ye J , Ju F , Liu L , Boyd JA , Deng Y , Parks DH , Jiang X , Yin X , Woodcroft BJ , Tyson GW , Hugenholtz P , Polz MF , Zhang T
Ref : Microbiome , 9 :199 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wang_2021_Microbiome_9_199
PubMedID: 34615557
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-a0a959nkr3

Title : A standardized bacterial taxonomy based on genome phylogeny substantially revises the tree of life - Parks_2018_Nat.Biotechnol_36_996
Author(s) : Parks DH , Chuvochina M , Waite DW , Rinke C , Skarshewski A , Chaumeil PA , Hugenholtz P
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 36 :996 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Parks_2018_Nat.Biotechnol_36_996
PubMedID: 30148503
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-a0a354gkt7 , 9plan-a0a356erf4 , 9bact-a0a2d9a7p9 , 9bact-a0a352fle9 , 9bact-a0a349js52 , 9bact-a0a352vp90 , 9plan-a0a351fme7 , 9gamm-a0a358xvf7 , 9prot-a0a1z8w7i2 , 9gamm-a0a3d2vwc7 , 9bact-a0a2e3zya8 , 9burk-a0a3d6am77 , 9gamm-a0a3d0sk97 , 9flao-a0a350nt51 , 9bact-a0a350yw15 , 9bact-a0a353r6l8 , 9bact-a0a353tz39 , 9bact-a0a353z102 , 9bact-a0a354jsw1 , 9bact-a0a355xv88 , 9bact-a0a356dj88 , 9bact-a0a358r9n7 , 9porp-a0a3b8w298 , 9porp-a0a3b8zsn1 , 9plan-a0a3b9cyv6 , 9bact-a0a3b9fdi8 , 9bact-a0a3b9zs25 , 9bact-a0a3c1zy47 , 9bact-a0a3c2a085 , 9bact-a0a3c2d9e9 , 9bact-a0a3c2ee26 , strsq-a0a3d0r0y5 , 9flao-a0a3d1kpv7 , 9bact-a0a3d1l1b7 , 9bact-a0a3d2n7q8 , 9bact-a0a3d3hbf8 , 9bact-a0a3d3mue3 , 9bact-a0a3d3yjr9 , 9bact-a0a3d4tu65 , 9bact-a0a3d4tv08 , 9bact-a0a3d5hmq5 , 9flao-a0a3d5z9e7 , 9bact-a0a3d6bgm9 , 9bact-a0a355iiy3 , 9porp-a0a357ypl8 , 9bace-a0a3d2sg23 , 9gamm-a0a3d4pwr3 , uncba-a0a350v0b5 , 9bact-a0a350yqi9 , 9bact-a0a350yww9 , 9bact-a0a352f676 , 9bact-a0a352mcv7 , 9porp-a0a353rje2 , 9bact-a0a353wyp3 , 9porp-a0a354x1s1 , 9bact-a0a3d0fsu1 , 9bact-a0a3d3f227 , 9bact-a0a3d3tgv6 , 9bact-a0a3d4wbd8

Title : First genomic insights into members of a candidate bacterial phylum responsible for wastewater bulking - Sekiguchi_2015_PeerJ_3_e740
Author(s) : Sekiguchi Y , Ohashi A , Parks DH , Yamauchi T , Tyson GW , Hugenholtz P
Ref : PeerJ , 3 :e740 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sekiguchi_2015_PeerJ_3_e740
PubMedID: 25650158
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-a0a0s6vpc9 , 9bact-a0a0s6vvt4 , 9bact-a0a0s6vpf3

Title : Methane metabolism in the archaeal phylum Bathyarchaeota revealed by genome-centric metagenomics - Evans_2015_Science_350_434
Author(s) : Evans PN , Parks DH , Chadwick GL , Robbins SJ , Orphan VJ , Golding SD , Tyson GW
Ref : Science , 350 :434 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Evans_2015_Science_350_434
PubMedID: 26494757
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9arch-a0a0n8pwm8