Ramkrishna D

References (2)

Title : Engineering surface hydrophobicity improves activity of Bacillus thermocatenulatus lipase 2 enzyme - Tang_2015_Biotechnol.J_10_1762
Author(s) : Tang T , Yuan C , Hwang HT , Zhao X , Ramkrishna D , Liu D , Varma A
Ref : Biotechnol J , 10 :1762 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tang_2015_Biotechnol.J_10_1762
PubMedID: 26097135
Gene_locus related to this paper: bactc-lipas

Title : Lipase-catalyzed process for biodiesel production: Protein engineering and lipase production - Hwang_2014_Biotechnol.Bioeng_111_639
Author(s) : Hwang HT , Qi F , Yuan C , Zhao X , Ramkrishna D , Liu D , Varma A
Ref : Biotechnol Bioeng , 111 :639 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hwang_2014_Biotechnol.Bioeng_111_639
PubMedID: 24284881