Title : Cholinergic balance in dementia with Lewy bodies: reversible worsening of Parkinsonism at rivastigmine dosage modulation - Clerici_2007_Neurol.Sci_28_282 |
Author(s) : Clerici F , Ratti PL , Pomati S , Maggiore L , Elia A , Mariani C |
Ref : Neurol Sci , 28 :282 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Clerici_2007_Neurol.Sci_28_282 |
PubMedID: 17972045 |
Title : Dementia with Lewy bodies with supranuclear gaze palsy: a matter of diagnosis - Clerici_2005_Neurol.Sci_26_358 |
Author(s) : Clerici F , Ratti PL , Pomati S , Maggiore L , Del Sole A , Chiti A , Lucignani G , Mariani C |
Ref : Neurol Sci , 26 :358 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Clerici_2005_Neurol.Sci_26_358 |
PubMedID: 16388374 |