

Title : Dementia with Lewy bodies with supranuclear gaze palsy: a matter of diagnosis - Clerici_2005_Neurol.Sci_26_358
Author(s) : Clerici F , Ratti PL , Pomati S , Maggiore L , Del Sole A , Chiti A , Lucignani G , Mariani C
Ref : Neurol Sci , 26 :358 , 2005
Abstract :

Description of a case of probable dementia with Lewy bodies featuring parkinsonism, dementia and supranuclear gaze palsy. This is the first patient to our knowledge affected with vertical gaze palsy receiving clinical diagnosis of DLB when alive and to be treated with cholinesterase inhibitors.

PubMedSearch : Clerici_2005_Neurol.Sci_26_358
PubMedID: 16388374

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Clerici F, Ratti PL, Pomati S, Maggiore L, Del Sole A, Chiti A, Lucignani G, Mariani C (2005)
Dementia with Lewy bodies with supranuclear gaze palsy: a matter of diagnosis
Neurol Sci 26 :358

Clerici F, Ratti PL, Pomati S, Maggiore L, Del Sole A, Chiti A, Lucignani G, Mariani C (2005)
Neurol Sci 26 :358