Rehman N

References (2)

Title : Knockdown of GmD53a confers strigolactones mediated rhizobia interaction and promotes nodulation in soybean - Rehman_2022_PeerJ_10_e12815
Author(s) : Rehman N , Khan FU , Imran M , Rajput SA , Li Y , Ullah I , Akhtar RW , Al-Huqail AA , Askary AE , Khalifa AS , Azhar MT
Ref : PeerJ , 10 :e12815 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rehman_2022_PeerJ_10_e12815
PubMedID: 35116200

Title : Prokinetic and laxative effects of the crude methanolic extract of Viola betonicifolia whole plant in rodents - Muhammad_2013_BMC.Complement.Altern.Med_13_70
Author(s) : Muhammad N , Rehman N , Khan H , Saeed M , Gilani AH
Ref : BMC Complement Altern Med , 13 :70 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Muhammad_2013_BMC.Complement.Altern.Med_13_70
PubMedID: 23530615