Title : Tiny Toes to Tau Tangles: Down's Syndrome and Its Association With Alzheimer's Disease - Puttagunta_2022_Cureus_14_e22125 |
Author(s) : Puttagunta SM , Islam R , Kundu S , Jha SB , Rivera AP , Flores Monar GV , Islam H , Sange I |
Ref : Cureus , 14 :e22125 , 2022 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Puttagunta_2022_Cureus_14_e22125 |
PubMedID: 35308670 |
Title : Alzheimer's Disease and Stroke: A Tangled Neurological Conundrum - Gupta_2022_Cureus_14_e25005 |
Author(s) : Gupta A , Uthayaseelan K , Kadari M , Subhan M , Saji Parel N , Krishna PV , Sange I |
Ref : Cureus , 14 :e25005 , 2022 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gupta_2022_Cureus_14_e25005 |
PubMedID: 35712342 |