Gupta A

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Title : Isolation and optimization of extracellular PHB depolymerase producer Aeromonas caviae Kuk1-(34) for sustainable solid waste management of biodegradable polymers - Amir_2022_PLoS.One_17_e0264207
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Title : Distribution of Fluoride in Plasma, Brain, and Bones and Associated Oxidative Damage After Induced Chronic Fluorosis in Wistar Rats - Sharma_2021_Biol.Trace.Elem.Res__
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Gene_locus related to this paper: triva-a2d7i4 , triva-a2d9w5 , triva-a2d766 , triva-a2dah5 , triva-a2dlx9 , triva-a2dul1 , triva-a2dy49 , triva-a2e6h5 , triva-a2e7p9 , triva-a2e9l3 , triva-a2e414 , triva-a2e613 , triva-a2e983 , triva-a2eau8 , triva-a2ekb9 , triva-a2en58 , triva-a2erp5 , triva-a2et59 , triva-a2f7u4 , triva-a2f801 , triva-a2fa76 , triva-a2fbq3 , triva-a2fe47 , triva-a2fgl0 , triva-a2fhp7 , triva-a2fie6 , triva-a2fk22 , triva-a2fla2 , triva-a2fqm0 , triva-a2fqq2 , triva-a2frq0 , triva-a2frr3 , triva-a2fsq9 , triva-a2fsz5 , triva-a2fux4 , triva-a2fz57 , triva-a2g2h0 , triva-a2g9x0 , triva-a2fqi4

Title : A survey of bryophytes for presence of cholinesterase activity - Gupta_2001_Am.J.Bot_88_2133
Author(s) : Gupta A , Thakur SS , Uniyal PL , Gupta R
Ref : Am J Bot , 88 :2133 , 2001
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PubMedID: 21669644

Title : Effects of neonatal quinalphos exposure and subsequent withdrawal on free radical generation and antioxidative defenses in developing rat brain - Gupta_1998_J.Appl.Toxicol_18_71
Author(s) : Gupta A , Shukla GS
Ref : J Appl Toxicol , 18 :71 , 1998
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