Savagner F

References (3)

Title : Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing of Congenital Hypothyroidism-Causative Genes Reveals Unexpected Thyroglobulin Gene Variants in Patients with Iodide Transport Defect - Bernal Barquero_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_9251
Author(s) : Bernal Barquero CE , Geysels RC , Jacques V , Carro GH , Martin M , Peyret V , Abregu MC , Papendieck P , Masini-Repiso AM , Savagner F , Chiesa AE , Citterio CE , Nicola JP
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 23 :9251 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bernal Barquero_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_9251
PubMedID: 36012511
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-TG

Title : Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Reveals Frequent Familial Origin and Oligogenism in Congenital Hypothyroidism With Dyshormonogenesis - Oliver-Petit_2021_Front.Endocrinol.(Lausanne)_12_657913
Author(s) : Oliver-Petit I , Edouard T , Jacques V , Bournez M , Cartault A , Grunenwald S , Savagner F
Ref : Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) , 12 :657913 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Oliver-Petit_2021_Front.Endocrinol.(Lausanne)_12_657913
PubMedID: 34248839

Title : Analysis of Tg transcripts by real-time RT-PCR in the blood of thyroid cancer patients - Savagner_2002_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_87_635
Author(s) : Savagner F , Rodien P , Reynier P , Rohmer V , Bigorgne JC , Malthiery Y
Ref : J Clinical Endocrinology Metab , 87 :635 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Savagner_2002_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_87_635
PubMedID: 11836297