Martin M

References (12)

Title : Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing of Congenital Hypothyroidism-Causative Genes Reveals Unexpected Thyroglobulin Gene Variants in Patients with Iodide Transport Defect - Bernal Barquero_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_9251
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-TG

Title : Monitoring of Target-Site Mutations Conferring Insecticide Resistance in Spodoptera frugiperda - Boaventura_2020_Insects_11_
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Title : Activity of the antioxidant enzyme paraoxonase in Argentinean children living at high altitude - Hirschler_2018_Redox.Rep_23_35
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Title : Standard versus continuous administration of capecitabine in metastatic breast cancer (GEICAM\/2009-05): a randomized, noninferiority phase II trial with a pharmacogenetic analysis - Martin_2015_Oncologist_20_111
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Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :1273 , 2012
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Gene_locus related to this paper: psebn-f2kd12 , psefl-g8pzx3 , 9psed-s6i647

Title : Update on EPA's ToxCast program: providing high throughput decision support tools for chemical risk management - Kavlock_2012_Chem.Res.Toxicol_25_1287
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Title : A polymorphism in the cytidine deaminase promoter predicts severe capecitabine-induced hand-foot syndrome - Caronia_2011_Clin.Cancer.Res_17_2006
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Title : Randomized, phase II trial comparing continuous versus intermittent capecitabine (X) monotherapy for metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Results from the GEICAM 2009-05 study - Martin_2011_J.Clin.Oncol_29_1008
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Title : Comparative genome and phenotypic analysis of Clostridium difficile 027 strains provides insight into the evolution of a hypervirulent bacterium - Stabler_2009_Genome.Biol_10_R102
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Gene_locus related to this paper: pepdi-t4eki5 , clod6-q183v0 , clodr-c9ynf2 , pepd6-pip

Title : Cholinesterase inhibitors ameliorate behavioral deficits induced by MK-801 in mice - Csernansky_2005_Neuropsychopharmacology_30_2135
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Title : Cloning and molecular characterization of the citrate utilization citMCDEFGRP cluster of Leuconostoc paramesenteroides - Martin_1999_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_174_231
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Gene_locus related to this paper: weipa-citR

Title : The contributions of aspartyl residues in the acetylcholine receptor gamma and delta subunits to the binding of agonists and competitive antagonists - Martin_1996_J.Biol.Chem_271_13497
Author(s) : Martin M , Czajkowski C , Karlin A
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