Title : Remote brain network changes after unilateral cortical impact injury and their modulation by acetylcholinesterase inhibition - Holschneider_2013_J.Neurotrauma_30_907 |
Author(s) : Holschneider DP , Guo Y , Wang Z , Roch M , Scremin OU |
Ref : Journal of Neurotrauma , 30 :907 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Holschneider_2013_J.Neurotrauma_30_907 |
PubMedID: 23343118 |
Title : Acetylcholinesterase inhibition interacts with training to reverse spatial learning deficits after cortical impact injury - Scremin_2012_J.Neurotrauma_29_2457 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Norman KM , Roch M , Holschneider DP , Scremin AM |
Ref : Journal of Neurotrauma , 29 :2457 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_2012_J.Neurotrauma_29_2457 |
PubMedID: 22738336 |
Title : Acetylcholinesterase inhibition and locomotor function after motor-sensory cortex impact injury - Holschneider_2011_J.Neurotrauma_28_1909 |
Author(s) : Holschneider DP , Guo Y , Roch M , Norman KM , Scremin OU |
Ref : Journal of Neurotrauma , 28 :1909 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Holschneider_2011_J.Neurotrauma_28_1909 |
PubMedID: 21787180 |
Title : Cerebral acetylcholine and choline contents and turnover following low-dose acetylcholinesterase inhibitors treatment in rats - Shih_2006_Arch.Toxicol_80_761 |
Author(s) : Shih TM , Scremin OU , Roch M , Huynh L , Sun W , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Archives of Toxicology , 80 :761 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Shih_2006_Arch.Toxicol_80_761 |
PubMedID: 16628397 |
Title : Circadian rhythms of heart rate and locomotion after treatment with low-dose acetylcholinesterase inhibitors - Scremin_2006_J.Appl.Toxicol_26_410 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Shih TM , Huynh L , Roch M , Sun W , Chialvo DR , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Journal of Applied Toxicology , 26 :410 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_2006_J.Appl.Toxicol_26_410 |
PubMedID: 16858689 |
Title : Low-dose cholinesterase inhibitors do not induce delayed effects on cerebral blood flow and metabolism - Scremin_2005_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_80_529 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Shih TM , Huynh L , Roch M , Sun W , Chialvo DR , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Pharmacol Biochem Behav , 80 :529 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_2005_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_80_529 |
PubMedID: 15820522 |
Title : Mapping of cerebral metabolic activation in three models of cholinergic convulsions - Scremin_1998_Brain.Res.Bull_45_167 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Shih TM , Li MG , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 45 :167 , 1998 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1998_Brain.Res.Bull_45_167 |
PubMedID: 9443835 |
Title : Cholinergic modulation of cerebral cortical blood flow changes induced by trauma - Scremin_1997_J.Neurotrauma_14_573 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Li MG , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Journal of Neurotrauma , 14 :573 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1997_J.Neurotrauma_14_573 |
PubMedID: 9300567 |
Title : Cholinesterase inhibition improves blood flow in the ischemic cerebral cortex - Scremin_1997_Brain.Res.Bull_42_59 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Li MG , Scremin AM , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 42 :59 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1997_Brain.Res.Bull_42_59 |
PubMedID: 8978935 |
Title : Cholinergic control of cerebral blood flow in stroke, trauma and aging - Scremin_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2011 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Life Sciences , 58 :2011 , 1996 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2011 |
PubMedID: 8637431 |
Title : The influence of aging on whole body choline release and clearance - Jenden_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2003 |
Author(s) : Jenden DJ , Scremin OU , Roch M , Li G |
Ref : Life Sciences , 58 :2003 , 1996 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Jenden_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2003 |
PubMedID: 8637430 |
Title : Acetylcholine turnover and release: the influence of energy metabolism and systemic choline availability - |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Jenden DJ |
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 98 :191 , 1993 |
PubMedID: 8248508 |
Title : Prolonged effects of cholinesterase inhibition with eptastigmine on the cerebral blood flow-metabolism ratio of normal rats - Scremin_1993_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_13_702 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Scremin AM , Heuser D , Hudgell R , Romero E , Imbimbo BP |
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 13 :702 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1993_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_13_702 |
PubMedID: 8314923 |
Title : Cholinergic cerebral vasodilatation in the rabbit: absence of concomitant metabolic activation - Scremin_1982_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_2_241 |
Author(s) : Scremin OU , Sonnenschein RR , Rubinstein EH |
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 2 :241 , 1982 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Scremin_1982_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_2_241 |
PubMedID: 6804471 |