Title : A multidimensional impedance platform for the real-time analysis of single and combination drug pharmacology in patient-derived viable melanoma models - Seidel_2019_Biosens.Bioelectron_123_185 |
Author(s) : Seidel D , Rothe R , Kirsten M , Jahnke HG , Dumann K , Ziemer M , Simon JC , Robitzki AA |
Ref : Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 123 :185 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Seidel_2019_Biosens.Bioelectron_123_185 |
PubMedID: 30201332 |
Title : Compound heterozygosity for a Wolman mutation is frequent among patients with cholesteryl ester storage disease - Lohse_2000_J.Lipid.Res_41_23 |
Author(s) : Lohse P , Maas S , Elleder M , Kirk JM , Besley GT , Seidel D |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 41 :23 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lohse_2000_J.Lipid.Res_41_23 |
PubMedID: 10627498 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA |
Title : Molecular defects underlying Wolman disease appear to be more heterogeneous than those resulting in cholesteryl ester storage disease - Lohse_1999_J.Lipid.Res_40_221 |
Author(s) : Lohse P , Maas S , Sewell AC , van Diggelen OP , Seidel D |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 40 :221 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lohse_1999_J.Lipid.Res_40_221 |
PubMedID: 9925650 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA |
Title : The acid lipase gene family: three enzymes, one highly conserved gene structure - Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_880 |
Author(s) : Lohse P , Chahrokh-Zadeh S , Seidel D |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 38 :880 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_880 |
PubMedID: 9186906 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPF |
Title : Human lysosomal acid lipase\/cholesteryl ester hydrolase and human gastric lipase: identification of the catalytically active serine, aspartic acid, and histidine residues - Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_892 |
Author(s) : Lohse P , Chahrokh-Zadeh S , Seidel D |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 38 :892 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_892 |
PubMedID: 9186907 |
Title : Human lysosomal acid lipase\/cholesteryl ester hydrolase and human gastric lipase: site-directed mutagenesis of Cys227 and Cys236 results in substrate-dependent reduction of enzymatic activity - Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_1896 |
Author(s) : Lohse P , Chahrokh-Zadeh S , Seidel D |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 38 :1896 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lohse_1997_J.Lipid.Res_38_1896 |
PubMedID: 9323599 |