Title : The Hierarchical Contribution of Organic vs. Conventional Farming, Cultivar, and Terroir on Untargeted Metabolomics Phytochemical Profile and Functional Traits of Tomato Fruits - Rocchetti_2022_Front.Plant.Sci_13_856513 |
Author(s) : Rocchetti G , Senizza B , Zengin G , Bonini P , Bontempo L , Camin F , Trevisan M , Lucini L |
Ref : Front Plant Sci , 13 :856513 , 2022 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rocchetti_2022_Front.Plant.Sci_13_856513 |
PubMedID: 35401596 |
Title : Metabolomic profiling and biological properties of six Limonium species: novel perspectives for nutraceutical purposes - Senizza_2021_Food.Funct_12_3443 |
Author(s) : Senizza B , Zhang L , Rocchetti G , Zengin G , Ak G , Yildiztugay E , Elbasan F , Jugreet S , Mahomoodally MF , Lucini L |
Ref : Food Funct , 12 :3443 , 2021 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Senizza_2021_Food.Funct_12_3443 |
PubMedID: 33900332 |
Title : Untargeted Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant Capacity and Enzyme Inhibitory Activity of Cultivated and Wild Lupin Seeds from Tunisia - Ben Hassine_2021_Molecules_26_ |
Author(s) : Ben Hassine A , Rocchetti G , Zhang L , Senizza B , Zengin G , Mahomoodally MF , Ben-Attia M , Rouphael Y , Lucini L , El-Bok S |
Ref : Molecules , 26 : , 2021 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ben Hassine_2021_Molecules_26_ |
PubMedID: 34200152 |
Title : Untargeted metabolomic profiling of three Crataegus species (hawthorn) and their in vitro biological activities - Rocchetti_2020_J.Sci.Food.Agric_100_1998 |
Author(s) : Rocchetti G , Senizza B , Zengin G , Mahomodally MF , Senkardes I , Lobine D , Lucini L |
Ref : J Sci Food Agric , 100 :1998 , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rocchetti_2020_J.Sci.Food.Agric_100_1998 |
PubMedID: 31849067 |
Title : The Strength of the Nutrient Solution Modulates the Functional Profile of Hydroponically Grown Lettuce in a Genotype-Dependent Manner - Senizza_2020_Foods_9_ |
Author(s) : Senizza B , Zhang L , Miras-Moreno B , Righetti L , Zengin G , Ak G , Bruni R , Lucini L , Sifola MI , El-Nakhel C , Corrado G , Rouphael Y |
Ref : Foods , 9 : , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Senizza_2020_Foods_9_ |
PubMedID: 32825768 |
Title : Untargeted Metabolomic Profiling, Multivariate Analysis and Biological Evaluation of the True Mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata Lam.) - Sadeer_2019_Antioxidants.(Basel)_8_ |
Author(s) : Sadeer NB , Rocchetti G , Senizza B , Montesano D , Zengin G , Uysal A , Jeewon R , Lucini L , Mahomoodally MF |
Ref : Antioxidants (Basel) , 8 : , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sadeer_2019_Antioxidants.(Basel)_8_ |
PubMedID: 31623170 |
Title : Chemical Profiling and Biological Properties of Extracts from Different Parts of Colchicum Szovitsii Subsp. Szovitsii - Rocchetti_2019_Antioxidants.(Basel)_8_ |
Author(s) : Rocchetti G , Senizza B , Zengin G , Okur MA , Montesano D , Yildiztugay E , Lobine D , Mahomoodally MF , Lucini L |
Ref : Antioxidants (Basel) , 8 : , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rocchetti_2019_Antioxidants.(Basel)_8_ |
PubMedID: 31835669 |