Shen CK

References (2)

Title : Rate of evolution in brain-expressed genes in humans and other primates - Wang_2007_PLoS.Biol_5_e13
Author(s) : Wang HY , Chien HC , Osada N , Hashimoto K , Sugano S , Gojobori T , Chou CK , Tsai SF , Wu CI , Shen CK
Ref : PLoS Biol , 5 :e13 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wang_2007_PLoS.Biol_5_e13
PubMedID: 17194215
Gene_locus related to this paper: macfa-g7nzc0 , macfa-TEX30 , macfa-i7gcw6 , macfa-g7p7y3

Title : Substitution rate and structural divergence of 5'UTR evolution: comparative analysis between human and cynomolgus monkey cDNAs - Osada_2005_Mol.Biol.Evol_22_1976
Author(s) : Osada N , Hirata M , Tanuma R , Kusuda J , Hida M , Suzuki Y , Sugano S , Gojobori T , Shen CK , Wu CI , Hashimoto K
Ref : Molecular Biology Evolution , 22 :1976 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Osada_2005_Mol.Biol.Evol_22_1976
PubMedID: 15944441
Gene_locus related to this paper: macfa-abhd2 , macfa-ndrg2 , macfa-PPT1 , macfa-q4r3b2 , macfa-q4r3p4 , macfa-q4r3z0 , macfa-q4r4j8 , macfa-q4r4q3 , macfa-q4r4s5 , macmu-f6rbn1 , macfa-q4r5r1 , macfa-q4r8p0 , macfa-q4r8v0 , macfa-q4r584 , macfa-q4r766 , macfa-SPG21