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Title : Cholinesterase levels predict exercise capacity in cardiac recipients early after transplantation - Kitagaki_2018_Clin.Transplant_32_
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Title : Potential for microbial H2 and metal transformations associated with novel bacteria and archaea in deep terrestrial subsurface sediments - Hernsdorf_2017_ISME.J_11_1915
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Title : Acute cholinergic syndrome in a patient with mild Alzheimer's type dementia who had applied a large number of rivastigmine transdermal patches on her body - Suzuki_2017_Clin.Toxicol.(Phila)__1
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Title : Periplasmic form of dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV from Pseudoxanthomonas mexicana WO24: purification, kinetic characterization, crystallization and X-ray crystallographic analysis - Roppongi_2017_Acta.Crystallogr.F.Struct.Biol.Commun_73_601
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Title : Extremotolerant tardigrade genome and improved radiotolerance of human cultured cells by tardigrade-unique protein - Hashimoto_2016_Nat.Commun_7_12808
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Title : Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis - Session_2016_Nature_538_336
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Ref : Nature , 538 :336 , 2016
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Gene_locus related to this paper: xenla-a0a1l8f4t7 , xenla-a0a1l8fbc6 , xenla-a0a1l8fct2 , xenla-q2tap9 , xenla-q4klb6 , xenla-q5xh09 , xenla-q6ax59 , xenla-q6dcw6 , xenla-q6irp4 , xenla-q6pad5 , xenla-q7sz70 , xenla-Q7ZXQ6 , xenla-q66kx1 , xenla-q640y7 , xenla-q642r3 , xenla-Q860X9 , xenla-BCHE2 , xenla-a0a1l8g7v4 , xenla-a0a1l8g1u7 , xenla-a0a1l8fmc5 , xenla-a0a1l8g467 , xenla-a0a1l8g4e4 , xenla-a0a1l8ga66 , xenla-a0a1l8gaw4 , xenla-a0a1l8gt68 , xenla-a0a1l8h0b2 , xenla-a0a1l8fdr1 , xenla-a0a1l8fdt7 , xenla-a0a1l8fi72 , xenla-a0a1l8fi73 , xenla-a0a1l8fi77 , xenla-a0a1l8fi96 , xenla-a0a1l8hc38 , xenla-a0a1l8hn27 , xenla-a0a1l8hry6 , xenla-a0a1l8hw96 , xenla-a0a1l8i2x6 , xenla-a0a1l8hei7 , xenla-a0a1l8gnd1 , xenla-a0a1l8i2g3 , xenla-a0a1l8hdn0 , xenla-a0a1l8h622

Title : Genetic basis of the highly efficient yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus: complete genome sequence and transcriptome analyses - Lertwattanasakul_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_47
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Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 8 :47 , 2015
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PubMedSearch : Lertwattanasakul_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_47
PubMedID: 25834639
Gene_locus related to this paper: klumd-w0tha9

Title : Allying with armored snails: the complete genome of gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont - Nakagawa_2014_ISME.J_8_40
Author(s) : Nakagawa S , Shimamura S , Takaki Y , Suzuki Y , Murakami S , Watanabe T , Fujiyoshi S , Mino S , Sawabe T , Maeda T , Makita H , Nemoto S , Nishimura S , Watanabe H , Watsuji TO , Takai K
Ref : Isme J , 8 :40 , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Nakagawa_2014_ISME.J_8_40
PubMedID: 23924784
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9gamm-s6bga5

Title : Real Time Ligand-Induced Motion Mappings of AChBP and nAChR Using X-ray Single Molecule Tracking - Sekiguchi_2014_Sci.Rep_4_6384
Author(s) : Sekiguchi H , Suzuki Y , Nishino Y , Kobayashi S , Shimoyama Y , Cai W , Nagata K , Okada M , Ichiyanagi K , Ohta N , Yagi N , Miyazawa A , Kubo T , Sasaki YC
Ref : Sci Rep , 4 :6384 , 2014
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Title : Identification of the carotenoid modifying gene PALE YELLOW PETAL 1 as an essential factor in xanthophyll esterification and yellow flower pigmentation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) - Ariizumi_2014_Plant.J_79_453
Author(s) : Ariizumi T , Kishimoto S , Kakami R , Maoka T , Hirakawa H , Suzuki Y , Ozeki Y , Shirasawa K , Bernillon S , Okabe Y , Moing A , Asamizu E , Rothan C , Ohmiya A , Ezura H
Ref : Plant J , 79 :453 , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Ariizumi_2014_Plant.J_79_453
PubMedID: 24888879
Gene_locus related to this paper: pethy-XES

Title : Activation of focal adhesion kinase via M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor is required in restitution of intestinal barrier function after epithelial injury - Khan_2014_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1842_635
Author(s) : Khan MR , Yazawa T , Anisuzzaman AS , Semba S , Ma Y , Uwada J , Hayashi H , Suzuki Y , Ikeuchi H , Uchino M , Maemoto A , Muramatsu I , Taniguchi T
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1842 :635 , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Khan_2014_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1842_635
PubMedID: 24365239

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Weissella oryzae SG25T, Isolated from Fermented Rice Grains - Tanizawa_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00667
Author(s) : Tanizawa Y , Fujisawa T , Mochizuki T , Kaminuma E , Suzuki Y , Nakamura Y , Tohno M
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Tanizawa_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00667
PubMedID: 25013139
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9lact-a0a069d1e3

Title : Protein-anchoring strategy for delivering acetylcholinesterase to the neuromuscular junction - Ito_2012_Mol.Ther_20_1384
Author(s) : Ito M , Suzuki Y , Okada T , Fukudome T , Yoshimura T , Masuda A , Takeda S , Krejci E , Ohno K
Ref : Mol Ther , 20 :1384 , 2012
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PubMedSearch : Ito_2012_Mol.Ther_20_1384
PubMedID: 22371845

Title : Genomes of two chronological isolates (Helicobacter pylori 2017 and 2018) of the West African Helicobacter pylori strain 908 obtained from a single patient - Avasthi_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3385
Author(s) : Avasthi TS , Devi SH , Taylor TD , Kumar N , Baddam R , Kondo S , Suzuki Y , Lamouliatte H , Megraud F , Ahmed N
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :3385 , 2011
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PubMedSearch : Avasthi_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3385
PubMedID: 21515762

Title : Major chimpanzee-specific structural changes in sperm development-associated genes - Kim_2011_Funct.Integr.Genomics_11_507
Author(s) : Kim RN , Kim DW , Choi SH , Chae SH , Nam SH , Kim A , Kang A , Park KH , Lee YS , Hirai M , Suzuki Y , Sugano S , Hashimoto K , Kim DS , Park HS
Ref : Funct Integr Genomics , 11 :507 , 2011
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PubMedSearch : Kim_2011_Funct.Integr.Genomics_11_507
PubMedID: 21484476
Gene_locus related to this paper: pantr-BCHE , pantr-k7c7k7 , pantr-g2hih9 , pantr-g2hj61

Title : Integration of the genetic map and genome assembly of fugu facilitates insights into distinct features of genome evolution in teleosts and mammals - Kai_2011_Genome.Biol.Evol_3_424
Author(s) : Kai W , Kikuchi K , Tohari S , Chew AK , Tay A , Fujiwara A , Hosoya S , Suetake H , Naruse K , Brenner S , Suzuki Y , Venkatesh B
Ref : Genome Biol Evol , 3 :424 , 2011
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PubMedSearch : Kai_2011_Genome.Biol.Evol_3_424
PubMedID: 21551351
Gene_locus related to this paper: takru-h2th79 , takru-h2st11 , takru-h2s0m3 , takru-h2uad8 , takru-h2uad9 , takru-h2v884 , takru-h2v8t3 , takru-h2uuz8 , takru-h2rw43 , takru-h2s0k7 , takru-h2v0c9 , takru-h2rzs7 , takru-h2t7u7 , takru-h2s5e3 , takru-a0a3b5k333 , takru-a0a3b5k3s5 , takru-h2tlp5 , takru-a0a3b5k5v8 , takru-h2rkk3 , takru-h2sml0

Title : Genome of Helicobacter pylori strain 908 - Devi_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_6488
Author(s) : Devi SH , Taylor TD , Avasthi TS , Kondo S , Suzuki Y , Megraud F , Ahmed N
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :6488 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Devi_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_6488
PubMedID: 20952566

Title : Expression balances of structural genes in shikimate and flavonoid biosynthesis cause a difference in proanthocyanidin accumulation in persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruit - Akagi_2009_Planta_230_899
Author(s) : Akagi T , Ikegami A , Suzuki Y , Yoshida J , Yamada M , Sato A , Yonemori K
Ref : Planta , 230 :899 , 2009
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PubMedSearch : Akagi_2009_Planta_230_899
PubMedID: 19669159

Title : Responses of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis to a cholinesterase inhibitor - Umegaki_2009_Neuroreport_20_1366
Author(s) : Umegaki H , Yamamoto A , Suzuki Y , Iguchi A
Ref : Neuroreport , 20 :1366 , 2009
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PubMedSearch : Umegaki_2009_Neuroreport_20_1366
PubMedID: 19738498

Title : Prognostic factors and toxicokinetics in acute fenitrothion self-poisoning requiring intensive care - Inoue_2008_Clin.Toxicol.(Phila)_46_528
Author(s) : Inoue S , Saito T , Suzuki Y , Iizuka S , Takazawa K , Akieda K , Yamamoto I , Inokuchi S
Ref : Clinical Toxicology (Phila) , 46 :528 , 2008
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PubMedSearch : Inoue_2008_Clin.Toxicol.(Phila)_46_528
PubMedID: 18584365

Title : The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori - Xia_2008_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_38_1036
Author(s) : Xia Q , Wang J , Zhou Z , Li R , Fan W , Cheng D , Cheng T , Qin J , Duana J , Xu H , Li Q , Li N , Wang M , Dai F , Liu C , Lin Y , Zhao P , Zhang H , Liu S , Zha X , Li C , Zhao A , Pan M , Pan G , Shen Y , Gao Z , Wang Z , Wang G , Wu Z , Hou Y , Chai C , Yu Q , He N , Zhang Z , Li S , Yang H , Lu C , Xiang Z , Mita K , Kasahara M , Nakatani Y , Yamamoto K , Abe H , Ahsan B , Daimoni T , Doi K , Fujii T , Fujiwara H , Fujiyama A , Futahashi R , Hashimotol S , Ishibashi J , Iwami M , Kadono-Okuda K , Kanamori H , Kataoka H , Katsuma S , Kawaoka S , Kawasaki H , Kohara Y , Kozaki T , Kuroshu RM , Kuwazaki S , Matsushima K , Minami H , Nagayasu Y , Nakagawa T , Narukawa J , Nohata J , Ohishi K , Ono Y , Osanai-Futahashi M , Ozaki K , Qu W , Roller L , Sasaki S , Sasaki T , Seino A , Shimomura M , Shin-I T , Shinoda T , Shiotsuki T , Suetsugu Y , Sugano S , Suwa M , Suzuki Y , Takiya S , Tamura T , Tanaka H , Tanaka Y , Touhara K , Yamada T , Yamakawa M , Yamanaka N , Yoshikawa H , Zhong YS , Shimada T , Morishita S
Ref : Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 38 :1036 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xia_2008_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_38_1036
PubMedID: 19121390
Gene_locus related to this paper: bommo-a0mnw6 , bommo-a1yw85 , bommo-a9ls22 , bommo-ACHE1 , bommo-ACHE2 , bommo-b0fgv8 , bommo-b1q137 , bommo-b1q139 , bommo-b1q140 , bommo-b1q141 , bommo-b2zdz0 , bommo-b3gef6 , bommo-b3gef7 , bommo-b3gs55 , bommo-b3gs56 , bommo-d2ktu3 , bommo-d2ktu5 , bommo-d9ile0 , bommo-e1cga5 , bommo-e1cga6 , bommo-g8fpz6 , bommo-h9iu43 , bommo-h9iu46 , bommo-h9iu47.1 , bommo-h9iu47.2 , bommo-h9iue5 , bommo-h9ivg2 , bommo-h9iwj7 , bommo-h9iwj8 , bommo-h9ix58 , bommo-h9ixi1.1 , bommo-h9ixi1.2 , bommo-h9iy47 , bommo-h9izw1 , bommo-h9j0s4 , bommo-h9j1y0 , bommo-h9j3r0 , bommo-h9j3w6 , bommo-h9j3w7 , bommo-h9j5t0 , bommo-h9j8g3 , bommo-h9j9k9 , bommo-h9j066 , bommo-h9j067 , bommo-h9j593 , bommo-h9j594 , bommo-h9j990 , bommo-h9jde8 , bommo-h9jde9 , bommo-h9jdf0 , bommo-h9jds4 , bommo-h9jle7 , bommo-h9jn83 , bommo-h9jn85 , bommo-h9jrg2 , bommo-h9jyh9 , bommo-JHE , bommo-m1rmh6 , bommo-q1hq05 , bommo-q4tte1 , bommo-h9j592 , bommo-h9j604 , bommo-h9jpm8 , bommo-h9iss4 , bommo-h9j2c7

Title : Discontinuation of donepezil for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in geriatric practice - Umegaki_2008_Int.Psychogeriatr_20_800
Author(s) : Umegaki H , Itoh A , Suzuki Y , Nabeshima T
Ref : Int Psychogeriatr , 20 :800 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Umegaki_2008_Int.Psychogeriatr_20_800
PubMedID: 18341753

Title : Expression and purification of pheophorbidase, an enzyme catalyzing the formation of pyropheophorbide during chlorophyll degradation: comparison with the native enzyme - Suzuki_2008_Photochem.Photobiol.Sci_7_1260
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Soga K , Yoshimatsu K , Shioi Y
Ref : Photochem Photobiol Sci , 7 :1260 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2008_Photochem.Photobiol.Sci_7_1260
PubMedID: 18846292
Gene_locus related to this paper: rapsa-q2v0w1

Title : The Physcomitrella genome reveals evolutionary insights into the conquest of land by plants - Rensing_2008_Science_319_64
Author(s) : Rensing SA , Lang D , Zimmer AD , Terry A , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Nishiyama T , Perroud PF , Lindquist EA , Kamisugi Y , Tanahashi T , Sakakibara K , Fujita T , Oishi K , Shin IT , Kuroki Y , Toyoda A , Suzuki Y , Hashimoto S , Yamaguchi K , Sugano S , Kohara Y , Fujiyama A , Anterola A , Aoki S , Ashton N , Barbazuk WB , Barker E , Bennetzen JL , Blankenship R , Cho SH , Dutcher SK , Estelle M , Fawcett JA , Gundlach H , Hanada K , Heyl A , Hicks KA , Hughes J , Lohr M , Mayer K , Melkozernov A , Murata T , Nelson DR , Pils B , Prigge M , Reiss B , Renner T , Rombauts S , Rushton PJ , Sanderfoot A , Schween G , Shiu SH , Stueber K , Theodoulou FL , Tu H , Van de Peer Y , Verrier PJ , Waters E , Wood A , Yang L , Cove D , Cuming AC , Hasebe M , Lucas S , Mishler BD , Reski R , Grigoriev IV , Quatrano RS , Boore JL
Ref : Science , 319 :64 , 2008
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PubMedSearch : Rensing_2008_Science_319_64
PubMedID: 18079367
Gene_locus related to this paper: phypa-a9rbi6 , phypa-a9rfh1 , phypa-a9rg19 , phypa-a9rgt9 , phypa-a9rhz9 , phypa-a9rkj1 , phypa-a9rns2 , phypa-a9rp52 , phypa-a9rq03 , phypa-a9ry17 , phypa-a9ry72 , phypa-a9s5n8 , phypa-a9s6w1 , phypa-a9s8c7 , phypa-a9s299 , phypa-a9san7 , phypa-a9sc75 , phypa-a9se75 , phypa-a9sg07 , phypa-a9skf7 , phypa-a9skr1 , phypa-a9skw1 , phypa-a9sl58 , phypa-a9slp7 , phypa-a9smq5 , phypa-a9sp13 , phypa-a9ssb0 , phypa-a9sse1 , phypa-a9ssf6 , phypa-a9st85 , phypa-a9sx74 , phypa-a9sy58 , phypa-a9syy4 , phypa-a9t0n4 , phypa-a9t0p4 , phypa-a9t1j2 , phypa-a9t5h1 , phypa-a9t7g6 , phypa-a9t8u8 , phypa-a9t9c9 , phypa-a9t9d9 , phypa-a0a7i4d2t7 , phypa-a9t498 , phypa-a9tbu4 , phypa-a9tc36 , phypa-a9tds0 , phypa-a9te64 , phypa-a9tfw2 , phypa-a9tin6 , phypa-a9tja4 , phypa-a9tmp3 , phypa-a9tmr4 , phypa-a9tql4 , phypa-a9tr83 , phypa-a9tsl1 , phypa-a9tsv6 , phypa-a9tu05 , phypa-a9tw81 , phypa-a9tyr8 , phypa-a9u0c9 , phypa-a9u0k3 , phypa-a9u0p4 , phypa-a9u2u7 , phypa-a9u3s0 , phypa-a9tfm7 , phypa-a9tfp6 , phypa-a9syg9 , phypa-a9tzk2 , phypa-a9tvg4 , phypa-a9t1y4 , phypa-a9tqt6 , phypa-a9st18 , phypa-a9tix9 , phypa-a0a2k1kfe3 , phypa-a9sqk3 , phypa-a0a2k1ie71 , phypa-a0a2k1kg29 , phypa-a0a2k1iji3

Title : Preparation and comparative characterization of immobilized Aspergillus oryzae expressing Fusarium heterosporum lipase for enzymatic biodiesel production - Hama_2008_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_81_637
Author(s) : Hama S , Tamalampudi S , Suzuki Y , Yoshida A , Fukuda H , Kondo A
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 81 :637 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hama_2008_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_81_637
PubMedID: 18795281

Title : Regulation of self-incompatibility by acetylcholine and cAMP in Lilium longiflorum - Tezuka_2007_J.Plant.Physiol_164_878
Author(s) : Tezuka T , Akita I , Yoshino N , Suzuki Y
Ref : J Plant Physiol , 164 :878 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tezuka_2007_J.Plant.Physiol_164_878
PubMedID: 16882455

Title : Structural characterization of N-glycans of cauxin by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and nano LC-ESI-mass spectrometry - Suzuki_2007_Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem_71_811
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Miyazaki M , Ito E , Suzuki M , Yamashita T , Taira H , Suzuki A
Ref : Biosci Biotechnol Biochem , 71 :811 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2007_Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem_71_811
PubMedID: 17341822
Gene_locus related to this paper: felca-CAUXIN

Title : Rapid simultaneous determination for organophosphorus pesticides in human serum by LC-MS - Inoue_2007_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_44_258
Author(s) : Inoue S , Saito T , Mase H , Suzuki Y , Takazawa K , Yamamoto I , Inokuchi S
Ref : J Pharm Biomed Anal , 44 :258 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Inoue_2007_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_44_258
PubMedID: 17337150

Title : A major urinary protein of the domestic cat regulates the production of felinine, a putative pheromone precursor - Miyazaki_2006_Chem.Biol_13_1071
Author(s) : Miyazaki M , Yamashita T , Suzuki Y , Saito Y , Soeta S , Taira H , Suzuki A
Ref : Chemical Biology , 13 :1071 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miyazaki_2006_Chem.Biol_13_1071
PubMedID: 17052611
Gene_locus related to this paper: felca-CAUXIN

Title : D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol alters cellular cholesterol homeostasis by modulating the endosome lipid domains - Makino_2006_Biochemistry_45_4530
Author(s) : Makino A , Ishii K , Murate M , Hayakawa T , Suzuki Y , Suzuki M , Ito K , Fujisawa T , Matsuo H , Ishitsuka R , Kobayashi T
Ref : Biochemistry , 45 :4530 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Makino_2006_Biochemistry_45_4530
PubMedID: 16584188

Title : Common inheritance of chromosome Ia associated with clonal expansion of Toxoplasma gondii - Khan_2006_Genome.Res_16_1119
Author(s) : Khan A , Bohme U , Kelly KA , Adlem E , Brooks K , Simmonds M , Mungall K , Quail MA , Arrowsmith C , Chillingworth T , Churcher C , Harris D , Collins M , Fosker N , Fraser A , Hance Z , Jagels K , Moule S , Murphy L , O'Neil S , Rajandream MA , Saunders D , Seeger K , Whitehead S , Mayr T , Xuan X , Watanabe J , Suzuki Y , Wakaguri H , Sugano S , Sugimoto C , Paulsen I , Mackey AJ , Roos DS , Hall N , Berriman M , Barrell B , Sibley LD , Ajioka JW
Ref : Genome Res , 16 :1119 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Khan_2006_Genome.Res_16_1119
PubMedID: 16902086
Gene_locus related to this paper: toxgo-q1jt22

Title : Molecular analysis of an inactive aflatoxin biosynthesis gene cluster in Aspergillus oryzae RIB strains - Tominaga_2006_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_72_484
Author(s) : Tominaga M , Lee YH , Hayashi R , Suzuki Y , Yamada O , Sakamoto K , Gotoh K , Akita O
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 72 :484 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tominaga_2006_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_72_484
PubMedID: 16391082
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspor-PKSL1 , asppa-q6ueg5

Title : Characterization and cloning of the chlorophyll-degrading enzyme pheophorbidase from cotyledons of radish - Suzuki_2006_Plant.Physiol_140_716
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Amano T , Shioi Y
Ref : Plant Physiol , 140 :716 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2006_Plant.Physiol_140_716
PubMedID: 16384908
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-AT4G16690 , rapsa-q2v0w1

Title : Genetic and functional properties of uncultivated thermophilic crenarchaeotes from a subsurface gold mine as revealed by analysis of genome fragments - Nunoura_2005_Environ.Microbiol_7_1967
Author(s) : Nunoura T , Hirayama H , Takami H , Oida H , Nishi S , Shimamura S , Suzuki Y , Inagaki F , Takai K , Nealson KH , Horikoshi K
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 7 :1967 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nunoura_2005_Environ.Microbiol_7_1967
PubMedID: 16309394
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-h5srl9 , 9chlr-h5sfm8 , 9arch-e6n6u9

Title : Signal sequence and keyword trap in silico for selection of full-length human cDNAs encoding secretion or membrane proteins from oligo-capped cDNA libraries - Otsuki_2005_DNA.Res_12_117
Author(s) : Otsuki T , Ota T , Nishikawa T , Hayashi K , Suzuki Y , Yamamoto J , Wakamatsu A , Kimura K , Sakamoto K , Hatano N , Kawai Y , Ishii S , Saito K , Kojima S , Sugiyama T , Ono T , Okano K , Yoshikawa Y , Aotsuka S , Sasaki N , Hattori A , Okumura K , Nagai K , Sugano S , Isogai T
Ref : DNA Research , 12 :117 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Otsuki_2005_DNA.Res_12_117
PubMedID: 16303743

Title : Tea catechins with a galloyl moiety suppress postprandial hypertriacylglycerolemia by delaying lymphatic transport of dietary fat in rats - Ikeda_2005_J.Nutr_135_155
Author(s) : Ikeda I , Tsuda K , Suzuki Y , Kobayashi M , Unno T , Tomoyori H , Goto H , Kawata Y , Imaizumi K , Nozawa A , Kakuda T
Ref : J Nutr , 135 :155 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ikeda_2005_J.Nutr_135_155
PubMedID: 15671206

Title : Secretion of bacterial xenobiotic-degrading enzymes from transgenic plants by an apoplastic expressional system: an applicability for phytoremediation - Uchida_2005_Environ.Sci.Technol_39_7671
Author(s) : Uchida E , Ouchi T , Suzuki Y , Yoshida T , Habe H , Yamaguchi I , Omori T , Nojiri H
Ref : Environ Sci Technol , 39 :7671 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Uchida_2005_Environ.Sci.Technol_39_7671
PubMedID: 16245843

Title : Substitution rate and structural divergence of 5'UTR evolution: comparative analysis between human and cynomolgus monkey cDNAs - Osada_2005_Mol.Biol.Evol_22_1976
Author(s) : Osada N , Hirata M , Tanuma R , Kusuda J , Hida M , Suzuki Y , Sugano S , Gojobori T , Shen CK , Wu CI , Hashimoto K
Ref : Molecular Biology Evolution , 22 :1976 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Osada_2005_Mol.Biol.Evol_22_1976
PubMedID: 15944441
Gene_locus related to this paper: macfa-abhd2 , macfa-ndrg2 , macfa-PPT1 , macfa-q4r3b2 , macfa-q4r3p4 , macfa-q4r3z0 , macfa-q4r4j8 , macfa-q4r4q3 , macfa-q4r4s5 , macmu-f6rbn1 , macfa-q4r5r1 , macfa-q4r8p0 , macfa-q4r8v0 , macfa-q4r584 , macfa-q4r766 , macfa-SPG21

Title : Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs - Ota_2004_Nat.Genet_36_40
Author(s) : Ota T , Suzuki Y , Nishikawa T , Otsuki T , Sugiyama T , Irie R , Wakamatsu A , Hayashi K , Sato H , Nagai K , Kimura K , Makita H , Sekine M , Obayashi M , Nishi T , Shibahara T , Tanaka T , Ishii S , Yamamoto J , Saito K , Kawai Y , Isono Y , Nakamura Y , Nagahari K , Murakami K , Yasuda T , Iwayanagi T , Wagatsuma M , Shiratori A , Sudo H , Hosoiri T , Kaku Y , Kodaira H , Kondo H , Sugawara M , Takahashi M , Kanda K , Yokoi T , Furuya T , Kikkawa E , Omura Y , Abe K , Kamihara K , Katsuta N , Sato K , Tanikawa M , Yamazaki M , Ninomiya K , Ishibashi T , Yamashita H , Murakawa K , Fujimori K , Tanai H , Kimata M , Watanabe M , Hiraoka S , Chiba Y , Ishida S , Ono Y , Takiguchi S , Watanabe S , Yosida M , Hotuta T , Kusano J , Kanehori K , Takahashi-Fujii A , Hara H , Tanase TO , Nomura Y , Togiya S , Komai F , Hara R , Takeuchi K , Arita M , Imose N , Musashino K , Yuuki H , Oshima A , Sasaki N , Aotsuka S , Yoshikawa Y , Matsunawa H , Ichihara T , Shiohata N , Sano S , Moriya S , Momiyama H , Satoh N , Takami S , Terashima Y , Suzuki O , Nakagawa S , Senoh A , Mizoguchi H , Goto Y , Shimizu F , Wakebe H , Hishigaki H , Watanabe T , Sugiyama A , Takemoto M , Kawakami B , Watanabe K , Kumagai A , Itakura S , Fukuzumi Y , Fujimori Y , Komiyama M , Tashiro H , Tanigami A , Fujiwara T , Ono T , Yamada K , Fujii Y , Ozaki K , Hirao M , Ohmori Y , Kawabata A , Hikiji T , Kobatake N , Inagaki H , Ikema Y , Okamoto S , Okitani R , Kawakami T , Noguchi S , Itoh T , Shigeta K , Senba T , Matsumura K , Nakajima Y , Mizuno T , Morinaga M , Sasaki M , Togashi T , Oyama M , Hata H , Komatsu T , Mizushima-Sugano J , Satoh T , Shirai Y , Takahashi Y , Nakagawa K , Okumura K , Nagase T , Nomura N , Kikuchi H , Masuho Y , Yamashita R , Nakai K , Yada T , Ohara O , Isogai T , Sugano S
Ref : Nat Genet , 36 :40 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ota_2004_Nat.Genet_36_40
PubMedID: 14702039
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD1 , human-ABHD4 , human-ABHD12 , human-ABHD16A , human-ACOT1 , human-LDAH , human-ABHD18 , human-CES1 , human-CES4A , human-CES5A , human-CPVL , human-DAGLB , human-EPHX2 , human-KANSL3 , human-LIPA , human-LPL , human-MEST , human-NDRG1 , human-NLGN1 , human-NLGN4X , human-PRCP , human-PRSS16 , human-SERAC1 , human-TMEM53

Title : The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) - Gerhard_2004_Genome.Res_14_2121
Author(s) : Gerhard DS , Wagner L , Feingold EA , Shenmen CM , Grouse LH , Schuler G , Klein SL , Old S , Rasooly R , Good P , Guyer M , Peck AM , Derge JG , Lipman D , Collins FS , Jang W , Sherry S , Feolo M , Misquitta L , Lee E , Rotmistrovsky K , Greenhut SF , Schaefer CF , Buetow K , Bonner TI , Haussler D , Kent J , Kiekhaus M , Furey T , Brent M , Prange C , Schreiber K , Shapiro N , Bhat NK , Hopkins RF , Hsie F , Driscoll T , Soares MB , Casavant TL , Scheetz TE , Brown-stein MJ , Usdin TB , Toshiyuki S , Carninci P , Piao Y , Dudekula DB , Ko MS , Kawakami K , Suzuki Y , Sugano S , Gruber CE , Smith MR , Simmons B , Moore T , Waterman R , Johnson SL , Ruan Y , Wei CL , Mathavan S , Gunaratne PH , Wu J , Garcia AM , Hulyk SW , Fuh E , Yuan Y , Sneed A , Kowis C , Hodgson A , Muzny DM , McPherson J , Gibbs RA , Fahey J , Helton E , Ketteman M , Madan A , Rodrigues S , Sanchez A , Whiting M , Madari A , Young AC , Wetherby KD , Granite SJ , Kwong PN , Brinkley CP , Pearson RL , Bouffard GG , Blakesly RW , Green ED , Dickson MC , Rodriguez AC , Grimwood J , Schmutz J , Myers RM , Butterfield YS , Griffith M , Griffith OL , Krzywinski MI , Liao N , Morin R , Palmquist D , Petrescu AS , Skalska U , Smailus DE , Stott JM , Schnerch A , Schein JE , Jones SJ , Holt RA , Baross A , Marra MA , Clifton S , Makowski KA , Bosak S , Malek J
Ref : Genome Res , 14 :2121 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gerhard_2004_Genome.Res_14_2121
PubMedID: 15489334
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-AFMID , human-CES4A , human-CES5A , human-NOTUM , human-SERAC1 , human-SERHL2 , human-TMEM53 , mouse-acot1 , mouse-adcl4 , mouse-Ces2f , mouse-Ces4a , mouse-notum , mouse-q6wqj1 , mouse-Q9DAI6 , mouse-rbbp9 , mouse-SERHL , mouse-srac1 , mouse-tmm53 , rat-abhd6 , rat-abhda , rat-abhea , rat-abheb , rat-Ldah , rat-cd029 , rat-estd , rat-Kansl3 , rat-nceh1 , ratno-acph , ratno-CMBL , mouse-b2rwd2 , rat-b5den3 , rat-ab17c

Title : Vesicular acetylcholine transporter can be a morphological marker for the reinnervation to muscle of regenerating motor axons - Maeda_2004_Neurosci.Res_48_305
Author(s) : Maeda M , Ohba N , Nakagomi S , Suzuki Y , Kiryu-Seo S , Namikawa K , Kondoh W , Tanaka A , Kiyama H
Ref : Neurosci Res , 48 :305 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Maeda_2004_Neurosci.Res_48_305
PubMedID: 15154676

Title : Type II platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase is essential for epithelial morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans - Inoue_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_13233
Author(s) : Inoue T , Sugimoto A , Suzuki Y , Yamamoto M , Tsujimoto M , Inoue K , Aoki J , Arai H
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 101 :13233 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Inoue_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_13233
PubMedID: 15340150
Gene_locus related to this paper: caeel-pafa , caeel-W03G9.6

Title : Genome sequence of the ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D - Matsuzaki_2004_Nature_428_653
Author(s) : Matsuzaki M , Misumi O , Shin IT , Maruyama S , Takahara M , Miyagishima SY , Mori T , Nishida K , Yagisawa F , Yoshida Y , Nishimura Y , Nakao S , Kobayashi T , Momoyama Y , Higashiyama T , Minoda A , Sano M , Nomoto H , Oishi K , Hayashi H , Ohta F , Nishizaka S , Haga S , Miura S , Morishita T , Kabeya Y , Terasawa K , Suzuki Y , Ishii Y , Asakawa S , Takano H , Ohta N , Kuroiwa H , Tanaka K , Shimizu N , Sugano S , Sato N , Nozaki H , Ogasawara N , Kohara Y , Kuroiwa T
Ref : Nature , 428 :653 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Matsuzaki_2004_Nature_428_653
PubMedID: 15071595
Gene_locus related to this paper: cyam1-m1vi61 , cyam1-m1vhh9

Title : A novel thermostable esterase from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 - Suzuki_2004_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_236_97
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Miyamoto K , Ohta H
Ref : FEMS Microbiology Letters , 236 :97 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2004_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_236_97
PubMedID: 15212797
Gene_locus related to this paper: sulto-ST0071

Title : Cholinergic inhibition of electrogenic sodium absorption in the guinea pig distal colon - Hayashi_2003_Am.J.Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol_284_G617
Author(s) : Hayashi H , Suzuki T , Yamamoto T , Suzuki Y
Ref : American Journal of Physiology Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 284 :G617 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hayashi_2003_Am.J.Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol_284_G617
PubMedID: 12444010

Title : Correlation between structure of the lactones and substrate specificity in enzyme-catalyzed polymerization for the synthesis of polyesters - Suzuki_2003_Biomacromolecules_4_537
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Taguchi S , Hisano T , Toshima K , Matsumura S , Doi Y
Ref : Biomacromolecules , 4 :537 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2003_Biomacromolecules_4_537
PubMedID: 12741767

Title : Collection, mapping, and annotation of over 28,000 cDNA clones from japonica rice - Kikuchi_2003_Science_301_376
Author(s) : Kikuchi S , Satoh K , Nagata T , Kawagashira N , Doi K , Kishimoto N , Yazaki J , Ishikawa M , Yamada H , Ooka H , Hotta I , Kojima K , Namiki T , Ohneda E , Yahagi W , Suzuki K , Li CJ , Ohtsuki K , Shishiki T , Otomo Y , Murakami K , Iida Y , Sugano S , Fujimura T , Suzuki Y , Tsunoda Y , Kurosaki T , Kodama T , Masuda H , Kobayashi M , Xie Q , Lu M , Narikawa R , Sugiyama A , Mizuno K , Yokomizo S , Niikura J , Ikeda R , Ishibiki J , Kawamata M , Yoshimura A , Miura J , Kusumegi T , Oka M , Ryu R , Ueda M , Matsubara K , Kawai J , Carninci P , Adachi J , Aizawa K , Arakawa T , Fukuda S , Hara A , Hashizume W , Hayatsu N , Imotani K , Ishii Y , Itoh M , Kagawa I , Kondo S , Konno H , Miyazaki A , Osato N , Ota Y , Saito R , Sasaki D , Sato K , Shibata K , Shinagawa A , Shiraki T , Yoshino M , Hayashizaki Y , Yasunishi A
Ref : Science , 301 :376 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kikuchi_2003_Science_301_376
PubMedID: 12869764
Gene_locus related to this paper: orysa-Q852M6 , orysa-Q8GSE8 , orysa-Q9FYP7 , orysa-Q5JLP6 , orysa-Q8H5P5 , orysa-Q7F1Y5 , orysa-cbp3 , orysa-Q6YSZ8 , orysa-Q8S5X5 , orysa-Q8LIG3 , orysa-Q7F1B1 , orysa-Q9FW17 , orysa-Q337C3 , orysa-Q84QZ6 , orysa-Q84QY7 , orysa-Q6ZDG5 , orysa-Q658B2 , orysa-Q8H3R3 , orysa-Q5SNH3 , orysa-q2qnj4 , orysa-q2qyi1 , orysa-Q4VWY7 , orysa-q5smv5 , orysa-q5z901 , orysa-Q5ZBI5 , orysa-q6atz0 , orysa-q6i5q3 , orysj-q6yse8 , orysa-q6z8b1 , orysa-q6z995 , orysa-q7x7y5 , orysa-q7xkj9 , orysa-q7xr63 , orysa-q7xsq2 , orysa-q7xts6 , orysa-Q8LQS5 , orysa-Q8W3C6 , orysa-q53m20 , orysa-q67iz3 , orysa-q67j02 , orysa-q67j05 , orysa-q67j09 , orysa-q67j10 , orysa-q67tv0 , orysa-q67uz1 , orysa-q69xr2 , orysa-q69y21 , orysa-q75hy2 , orysa-q75i01 , orysa-q688m8 , orysa-q688m9 , orysa-Q6H8G1 , orysi-b8a7e7 , orysi-b8bfe5 , orysj-cgep , orysj-q0djj0 , orysj-q0jaf0 , orysj-q5jl22 , orysj-q6h7q9 , orysj-q6yvk6 , orysj-q7f8x1 , orysj-q10j20 , orysj-q10ss2 , orysj-q69uw6

Title : Two enzymatic reaction pathways in the formation of pyropheophorbide a - Suzuki_2002_Photosynth.Res_74_225
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Doi M , Shioi Y
Ref : Photosynth Res , 74 :225 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_2002_Photosynth.Res_74_225
PubMedID: 16228561
Gene_locus related to this paper: rapsa-q2v0w1

Title : Innervation of NADPH diaphorase-containing neurons correlated with acetylcholinesterase, tyrosine hydroxylase, and neuropeptides in the pigeon cloaca - Atoji_2001_J.Anat_198_181
Author(s) : Atoji Y , Yamamoto Y , Suzuki Y
Ref : Journal of Anatomy , 198 :181 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Atoji_2001_J.Anat_198_181
PubMedID: 11273043

Title : Effects of Desacetyl-alpha-MSH on Lipid Mobilization in the Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss - Yada_2000_Zoolog.Sci_17_1123
Author(s) : Yada T , Azuma T , Takahashi A , Suzuki Y , Hirose S
Ref : Zoolog Sci , 17 :1123 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yada_2000_Zoolog.Sci_17_1123
PubMedID: 18522468

Title : Innervation of the pigeon oviduct: correlation of NADPH diaphorase with acetylcholinesterase, tyrosine hydroxylase, and neuropeptides - Atoji_2000_Auton.Neurosci_84_1
Author(s) : Atoji Y , Mizutani K , Yamamoto Y , Suzuki Y
Ref : Auton Neurosci , 84 :1 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Atoji_2000_Auton.Neurosci_84_1
PubMedID: 11109984

Title : Evaluation of liver function parameters by Tc-99m-GSA using multivariate analysis: a study of 47 clinical cases - Suzuki_1999_Acta.Med.Okayama_53_225
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Kohno Y , Takeda Y , Hiraki Y
Ref : Acta Med Okayama , 53 :225 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1999_Acta.Med.Okayama_53_225
PubMedID: 10561731

Title : Construction and characterization of a full length-enriched and a 5'-end-enriched cDNA library - Suzuki_1997_Gene_200_149
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Yoshitomo-Nakagawa K , Maruyama K , Suyama A , Sugano S
Ref : Gene , 200 :149 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1997_Gene_200_149
PubMedID: 9373149
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ACOT2 , human-LIPF , human-LPL , human-PLA1A , human-PLA2G15

Title : [Intravenous neostigmine enhances the analgesic effect of epidural anesthesia] - Shirasaka_1997_Masui_46_1246
Author(s) : Shirasaka T , Suzuki Y , Ono Y , Takasaki M
Ref : Masui , 46 :1246 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shirasaka_1997_Masui_46_1246
PubMedID: 9311220

Title : Protective protein gene mutations in galactosialidosis - Shimmoto_1993_J.Clin.Invest_91_2393
Author(s) : Shimmoto M , Fukuhara Y , Itoh K , Oshima A , Sakuraba H , Suzuki Y
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 91 :2393 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shimmoto_1993_J.Clin.Invest_91_2393
PubMedID: 8514852
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : A new point mutation of protective protein gene in two Japanese siblings with juvenile galactosialidosis. -
Author(s) : Fukuhara Y , Takano T , Shimmoto M , Oshima A , Takeda E , Kuroda Y , Sakuraba H , Suzuki Y
Ref : Brain Dysfunction , 5 :319 , 1992
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Galactosialidosis: clinical and molecular analysis of 19 Japanese patients. -
Author(s) : Takano T , Shimmoto M , Fukuhara Y , Itoh K , Kase R , Takiyama N , Kobayashi T , Oshima A , Sakuraba H , Suzuki Y
Ref : Brain Dysfunction , 4 :271 , 1991
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Galactosialidosis: simultaneous deficiency of esterase, carboxy-terminal deamidase and acid carboxypeptidase activities - Kase_1990_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_172_1175
Author(s) : Kase R , Itoh K , Takiyama N , Oshima A , Sakuraba H , Suzuki Y
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 172 :1175 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kase_1990_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_172_1175
PubMedID: 2244901
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Japanese-type adult galactosialidosis: a unique and common splice junction mutation causing exon skipping in the protective protein\/carboxypeptidase gene -
Author(s) : Shimmoto M , Takano T , Fukuhara Y , Oshima A , Sakuraba H , Suzuki Y
Ref : Proc Jpn Acad , 66B :217 , 1990
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Characterization of serum platelet-activating factor (PAF) acetylhydrolase. Correlation between deficiency of serum PAF acetylhydrolase and respiratory symptoms in asthmatic children - Miwa_1988_J.Clin.Invest_82_1983
Author(s) : Miwa M , Miyake T , Yamanaka T , Sugatani J , Suzuki Y , Sakata S , Araki Y , Matsumoto M
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 82 :1983 , 1988
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miwa_1988_J.Clin.Invest_82_1983
PubMedID: 3198761
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PLA2G7

Title : Galactosialidosis: a direct evidence that a 46-kilodalton protein restores deficient enzyme activities in fibroblasts - Nanba_1987_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_144_138
Author(s) : Nanba E , Tsuji A , Omura K , Suzuki Y
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 144 :138 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nanba_1987_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_144_138
PubMedID: 3107551
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Galactosialidosis: low beta-galactosidase activity in serum after long-term clotting - Sakuraba_1985_Ann.Neurol_18_261
Author(s) : Sakuraba H , Iimori Y , Suzuki Y , Kint JA , Akagi M
Ref : Annals of Neurology , 18 :261 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sakuraba_1985_Ann.Neurol_18_261
PubMedID: 3929673
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Beta-galactosidase-neuraminidase deficiency: restoration of beta-galactosidase activity by protease inhibitors - Suzuki_1981_J.Biochem_90_271
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Sakuraba H , Hayashi K , Suzuki K , Imahori K
Ref : J Biochem , 90 :271 , 1981
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1981_J.Biochem_90_271
PubMedID: 6793566
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : beta-Galactosidase-neuraminidase deficiency in adults: deficiency of a freeze-labile neuraminidase in leukocytes and fibroblasts - Suzuki_1981_Hum.Genet_58_387
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Sakuraba H , Potier M , Akagi M , Sakai M , Beppu H
Ref : Hum Genet , 58 :387 , 1981
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1981_Hum.Genet_58_387
PubMedID: 7327559
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : beta-Galactosidase deficiency in juvenile and adult patients. Report of six Japanese cases and review of literature - Suzuki_1977_Hum.Genet_36_219
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Nakamura N , Fukuoka K , Shimada Y , Uono M
Ref : Hum Genet , 36 :219 , 1977
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1977_Hum.Genet_36_219
PubMedID: 404231
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Macular cherry-red spots and beta-galactosidase deficiency in an adult. An autopsy case with progressive cerebellar ataxia, myoclonus, thrombocytopathy, and accumulation of polysaccharide in liver - Suzuki_1977_Arch.Neurol_34_157
Author(s) : Suzuki Y , Nakamura N , Shimada Y , Yotsumoto H , Endo H , Nagashima K
Ref : Archives of Neurology , 34 :157 , 1977
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Suzuki_1977_Arch.Neurol_34_157
PubMedID: 402903
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CTSA

Title : Atropinesterase and cocainesterase of rabbit serum: localization of the enzyme activity in isozymes - Stormont_1970_Science_167_200
Author(s) : Stormont C , Suzuki Y
Ref : Science , 167 :200 , 1970
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Stormont_1970_Science_167_200
PubMedID: 5409647

Title : Enzyme histochemical studies on the hypothalamus of spontaneously hypertensive rats with special reference to that of rats subjected to various endocrine interferences -
Author(s) : Okamoto K , Tabei R , Nosaka S , Fukushima A , Yamori Y , Matsumoto M , Yamabe H , Morisawa T , Suzuki Y , Tamegai M
Ref : Japanese Circulation Journal , 30 :1483 , 1966
PubMedID: 4290391