Souza LDS

References (2)

Title : Marine contamination and cytogenotoxic effects of fluoxetine in the tropical brown mussel Perna perna - Cortez_2019_Mar.Pollut.Bull_141_366
Author(s) : Cortez FS , Souza LDS , Guimaraes LL , Pusceddu FH , Maranho LA , Fontes MK , Moreno BB , Nobre CR , Abessa DMS , Cesar A , Pereira CDS
Ref : Mar Pollut Bull , 141 :366 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cortez_2019_Mar.Pollut.Bull_141_366
PubMedID: 30955746

Title : Ecotoxicological effects of losartan on the brown mussel Perna perna and its occurrence in seawater from Santos Bay (Brazil) - Cortez_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_637-638_1363
Author(s) : Cortez FS , Souza LDS , Guimaraes LL , Almeida JE , Pusceddu FH , Maranho LA , Mota LG , Nobre CR , Moreno BB , Abessa DMS , Cesar A , Santos AR , Pereira CDS
Ref : Sci Total Environ , 637-638 :1363 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cortez_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_637-638_1363
PubMedID: 29801229