Title : Marine contamination and cytogenotoxic effects of fluoxetine in the tropical brown mussel Perna perna - Cortez_2019_Mar.Pollut.Bull_141_366 |
Author(s) : Cortez FS , Souza LDS , Guimaraes LL , Pusceddu FH , Maranho LA , Fontes MK , Moreno BB , Nobre CR , Abessa DMS , Cesar A , Pereira CDS |
Ref : Mar Pollut Bull , 141 :366 , 2019 |
Abstract :
Concerns are growing about the presence of fluoxetine (FLX) in environmental matrices, as well as its harmful effects on non-target organisms. FLX in aquatic ecosystems has been detected in a range varying from pg/L to ng/L, while adverse effects have been reported in several organisms inhabiting freshwater and marine environments. The present study quantifies FLX concentrations in seawater samples from Santos Bay, Brazil and assesses metabolic responses and sublethal effects on the tropical brown mussel Perna perna. Levels of ethoxyresorufinOdeethylase, dibenzylfluorescein dealkylase, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase, cholinesterase, lipoperoxidation, and DNA damage were assessed in the gills and digestive gland of these animals, and lysosomal membrane stability was also assessed in hemocytes. FLX altered phase I and II enzyme activities, caused cytogenotoxic effects, and negatively impacted the overall health of mussels exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations. These findings contribute to characterize the risks of introducing this drug into the marine environment. |
PubMedSearch : Cortez_2019_Mar.Pollut.Bull_141_366 |
PubMedID: 30955746 |
Cortez FS, Souza LDS, Guimaraes LL, Pusceddu FH, Maranho LA, Fontes MK, Moreno BB, Nobre CR, Abessa DMS, Cesar A, Pereira CDS (2019)
Marine contamination and cytogenotoxic effects of fluoxetine in the tropical brown mussel Perna perna
Mar Pollut Bull
141 :366
Cortez FS, Souza LDS, Guimaraes LL, Pusceddu FH, Maranho LA, Fontes MK, Moreno BB, Nobre CR, Abessa DMS, Cesar A, Pereira CDS (2019)
Mar Pollut Bull
141 :366