Tenkanen M

References (12)

Title : Hybrid Aspen Expressing a Carbohydrate Esterase Family 5 Acetyl Xylan Esterase Under Control of a Wood-Specific Promoter Shows Improved Saccharification - Wang_2020_Front.Plant.Sci_11_380
Author(s) : Wang Z , Pawar PM , Derba-Maceluch M , Hedenstrom M , Chong SL , Tenkanen M , Jonsson LJ , Mellerowicz EJ
Ref : Front Plant Sci , 11 :380 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wang_2020_Front.Plant.Sci_11_380
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Title : In muro deacetylation of xylan affects lignin properties and improves saccharification of aspen wood - Pawar_2017_Biotechnol.Biofuels_10_98
Author(s) : Pawar PM , Derba-Maceluch M , Chong SL , Gandla ML , Bashar SS , Sparrman T , Ahvenainen P , Hedenstrom M , Ozparpucu M , Ruggeberg M , Serimaa R , Lawoko M , Tenkanen M , Jonsson LJ , Mellerowicz EJ
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 10 :98 , 2017
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Title : Expression of fungal acetyl xylan esterase in Arabidopsis thaliana improves saccharification of stem lignocellulose - Pawar_2016_Plant.Biotechnol.J_14_387
Author(s) : Pawar PM , Derba-Maceluch M , Chong SL , Gomez LD , Miedes E , Banasiak A , Ratke C , Gaertner C , Mouille G , McQueen-Mason SJ , Molina A , Sellstedt A , Tenkanen M , Mellerowicz EJ
Ref : Plant Biotechnol J , 14 :387 , 2016
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PubMedSearch : Pawar_2016_Plant.Biotechnol.J_14_387
PubMedID: 25960248
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspng-a0a100iph2

Title : Distinct roles of carbohydrate esterase family CE16 acetyl esterases and polymer-acting acetyl xylan esterases in xylan deacetylation - Koutaniemi_2013_J.Biotechnol_168_684
Author(s) : Koutaniemi S , van Gool MP , Juvonen M , Jokela J , Hinz SW , Schols HA , Tenkanen M
Ref : J Biotechnol , 168 :684 , 2013
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Gene_locus related to this paper: chatd-g0sbz2

Title : Substrate and positional specificity of feruloyl esterases for monoferuloylated and monoacetylated 4-nitrophenyl glycosides - Puchart_2007_J.Biotechnol_127_235
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Ref : J Biotechnol , 127 :235 , 2007
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Gene_locus related to this paper: fusox-a0a1d3s5h0 , aspni-FAEA , aspor-q2umx6 , talsn-faeb

Title : Regioselective deacetylation of cellulose acetates by acetyl xylan esterases of different CE-families - Altaner_2003_J.Biotechnol_105_95
Author(s) : Altaner C , Saake B , Tenkanen M , Eyzaguirre J , Faulds CB , Biely P , Viikari L , Siika-aho M , Puls J
Ref : J Biotechnol , 105 :95 , 2003
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Title : Glycosylation of acetylxylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei - Harrison_2002_Glycobiology_12_291
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Ref : Glycobiology , 12 :291 , 2002
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Title : Three-dimensional structure of the catalytic core of acetylxylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei: insights into the deacetylation mechanism - Hakulinen_2000_J.Struct.Biol_132_180
Author(s) : Hakulinen N , Tenkanen M , Rouvinen J
Ref : J Struct Biol , 132 :180 , 2000
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PubMedID: 11243887
Gene_locus related to this paper: hypje-axylest

Title : Action of Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus oryzae esterases in the deacetylation of hemicelluloses - Tenkanen_1998_Biotechnol.Appl.Biochem_27 ( Pt 1)_19
Author(s) : Tenkanen M
Ref : Biotechnol Appl Biochem , 27 ( Pt 1) :19 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tenkanen_1998_Biotechnol.Appl.Biochem_27 ( Pt 1)_19
PubMedID: 9477552

Title : Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the catalytic core of acetyl xylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei - Hakulinen_1998_Acta.Crystallogr.D.Biol.Crystallogr_54_430
Author(s) : Hakulinen N , Tenkanen M , Rouvinen J
Ref : Acta Crystallographica D Biol Crystallogr , 54 :430 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hakulinen_1998_Acta.Crystallogr.D.Biol.Crystallogr_54_430
PubMedID: 9761918
Gene_locus related to this paper: hypje-axylest

Title : Action of acetylxylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei on acetylated methyl glycosides - Biely_1997_FEBS.Lett_420_121
Author(s) : Biely P , Cote GL , Kremnicky L , Greene RV , Tenkanen M
Ref : FEBS Letters , 420 :121 , 1997
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PubMedSearch : Biely_1997_FEBS.Lett_420_121
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Title : Acetyl xylan esterase from Trichoderma reesei contains an active-site serine residue and a cellulose-binding domain - Margolles-Clark_1996_Eur.J.Biochem_237_553
Author(s) : Margolles-Clark E , Tenkanen M , Soderlund H , Penttila M
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 237 :553 , 1996
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PubMedSearch : Margolles-Clark_1996_Eur.J.Biochem_237_553
PubMedID: 8647098
Gene_locus related to this paper: ascra-cutas , hypje-axylest