Testylier G


Full name : Testylier Guy

First name : Guy

Mail : Institut de Recherche Biomedicale des Armees\; Departement de Toxicologie et Risques Chimiques\; 24 avenue des Maquis du Gresivaudan\; La Tronche\; 38702

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Country : France

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References (20)

Title : Treatment of status epilepticus with ketamine, are we there yet? - Dorandeu_2013_CNS.Neurosci.Ther_19_411
Author(s) : Dorandeu F , Dhote F , Barbier L , Baccus B , Testylier G
Ref : CNS Neurosci Ther , 19 :411 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dorandeu_2013_CNS.Neurosci.Ther_19_411
PubMedID: 23601960

Title : Ketamine combinations for the field treatment of soman-induced self-sustaining status epilepticus. Review of current data and perspectives - Dorandeu_2013_Chem.Biol.Interact_203_154
Author(s) : Dorandeu F , Barbier L , Dhote F , Testylier G , Carpentier P
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 203 :154 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dorandeu_2013_Chem.Biol.Interact_203_154
PubMedID: 23044489

Title : Changes in mouse brain metabolism following a convulsive dose of soman: a proton HRMAS NMR study - Fauvelle_2010_Toxicology_267_99
Author(s) : Fauvelle F , Dorandeu F , Carpentier P , Foquin A , Rabeson H , Graveron-Demilly D , Arvers P , Testylier G
Ref : Toxicology , 267 :99 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fauvelle_2010_Toxicology_267_99
PubMedID: 19883723

Title : Intrahippocampal cholinesterase inhibition induces epileptogenesis in mice without evidence of neurodegenerative events - Pernot_2009_Neurosci_162_1351
Author(s) : Pernot F , Carpentier P , Baille V , Testylier G , Beaup C , Foquin A , Filliat P , Liscia P , Coutan M , Pierard C , Beracochea D , Dorandeu F
Ref : Neuroscience , 162 :1351 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pernot_2009_Neurosci_162_1351
PubMedID: 19490932

Title : Cerebral edema induced in mice by a convulsive dose of soman. Evaluation through diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and histology - Testylier_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_220_125
Author(s) : Testylier G , Lahrech H , Montigon O , Foquin A , Delacour C , Bernabe D , Segebarth C , Dorandeu F , Carpentier P
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 220 :125 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Testylier_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_220_125
PubMedID: 17350063

Title : Hydrolytic properties of per (3,6-anhydro, 2-O-carboxymethyl) alpha cyclodextrin complexes of Ce (III) and Eu (III): application to soman (GD) degradation - Debouzy_2003_Boll.Chim.Farm_142_105
Author(s) : Debouzy JC , Gadelle A , Fauvelle F , Testylier G
Ref : Boll Chim Farm , 142 :105 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Debouzy_2003_Boll.Chim.Farm_142_105
PubMedID: 12806827

Title : Review of the value of huperzine as pretreatment of organophosphate poisoning - Lallement_2002_Neurotoxicol_23_1
Author(s) : Lallement G , Baille V , Baubichon D , Carpentier P , Collombet JM , Filliat P , Foquin A , Four E , Masqueliez C , Testylier G , Tonduli L , Dorandeu F
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 23 :1 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lallement_2002_Neurotoxicol_23_1
PubMedID: 12164543

Title : Effects of Huperzine used as pre-treatment against soman-induced seizures - Tonduli_2001_Neurotoxicol_22_29
Author(s) : Tonduli LS , Testylier G , Masqueliez C , Lallement G , Monmaur P
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 22 :29 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tonduli_2001_Neurotoxicol_22_29
PubMedID: 11307848

Title : Triggering of soman-induced seizures in rats: multiparametric analysis with special correlation between enzymatic, neurochemical and electrophysiological data - Tonduli_1999_J.Neurosci.Res_58_464
Author(s) : Tonduli LS , Testylier G , Marino IP , Lallement G
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Research , 58 :464 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tonduli_1999_J.Neurosci.Res_58_464
PubMedID: 10518121

Title : Evidence for homeostatic adjustments of rat somatosensory cortical neurons to changes in extracellular acetylcholine concentrations produced by iontophoretic administration of acetylcholine and by systemic diisopropylfluorophosphate treatment - Testylier_1999_Neurosci_91_843
Author(s) : Testylier G , Maalouf M , Butt AE , Miasnikov AA , Dykes RW
Ref : Neuroscience , 91 :843 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Testylier_1999_Neurosci_91_843
PubMedID: 10391467

Title : Implication of gamma band in soman-induced seizures - Testylier_1999_Acta.Biotheor_47_191
Author(s) : Testylier G , Tonduli L , Lallement G
Ref : Acta Biotheoretica , 47 :191 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Testylier_1999_Acta.Biotheor_47_191
PubMedID: 10855266

Title : Simultaneous in vivo determination of acetylcholinesterase activity and acetylcholine release in the cortex of waking rat by microdialysis. Effects of VX - Testylier_1998_J.Neurosci.Methods_81_53
Author(s) : Testylier G , Micoud N , Martinez S , Lallement G
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 81 :53 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Testylier_1998_J.Neurosci.Methods_81_53
PubMedID: 9696310

Title : Multiparametric analysis of the trigger of soman induced epileptic seizures in rats. Correlation between enzymatic, neurochemical and electrophysiologic data -
Author(s) : Tonduli L , Testylier G , Pernot MI , Lallement G
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :455 , 1998

Title : Interleukin 6 Modulates AChE Activity in CNS Neurons -
Author(s) : Clarencon D , Multon E , Galonnier M , Estrade M , Fournier C , Mathieu J , Mestries JC , Testylier G , Gourmelon P , Fatome M
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :389 , 1995

Title : Influence of the radioprotective agent WR 2721 on the striatal acetylcholinesterase activity in the rat - Clarencon_1993_Brain.Res_608_155
Author(s) : Clarencon D , Galonnier M , Testylier G , Fatome M
Ref : Brain Research , 608 :155 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Clarencon_1993_Brain.Res_608_155
PubMedID: 8388310

Title : Stimulated release of acetylcholinesterase in rat striatum revealed by in vivo microspectrophotometry - Clarencon_1993_Neurosci_55_457
Author(s) : Clarencon D , Testylier G , Estrade M , Galonnier M , Viret J , Gourmelon P , Fatome M
Ref : Neuroscience , 55 :457 , 1993
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Clarencon_1993_Neurosci_55_457
PubMedID: 8377937

Title : Poster: In vivo monitoring of the return of striatal ectocellular acetylcholinesterase activity in rat and primate after inhibition by methylpnosphonotnioate -
Author(s) : Testylier G , Gourmelon P , Clarencon D , Mestries JC , Fatome M , Viret J
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :259 , 1991

Title : In Vivo Determination of Striatal Acetylcholinesterase Activity by Microspectrophotometry: Physiological Modulations of the Enzyme by Various Effectors -
Author(s) : Testylier G , Gourmelon P , Multon E , Clarencon D , Viret J
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :215 , 1991

Title : Poster: Rapid postmortem decrease in ectocellular acetylcholinesterase in the rat striatum -
Author(s) : Testylier G , Gourmelon P , Clarencon D , Fatome M , Viret J
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :258 , 1991

Title : Demonstration of functional acetylcholinesterase on the soma of individual neurones of Aplysia by in vivo microspectrophotometry - Fossier_1989_Brain.Res_491_390
Author(s) : Fossier P , Testylier G , Baux G , Viret J , Tauc L
Ref : Brain Research , 491 :390 , 1989
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 2765894