Tom L

References (1)

Title : Genome-Resolved Metagenomic Analysis Reveals Roles for Candidate Phyla and Other Microbial Community Members in Biogeochemical Transformations in Oil Reservoirs - Hu_2016_MBio_7_e01669
Author(s) : Hu P , Tom L , Singh A , Thomas BC , Baker BJ , Piceno YM , Andersen GL , Banfield JF
Ref : MBio , 7 :e01669 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hu_2016_MBio_7_e01669
PubMedID: 26787827
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9psed-a0a101db53 , 9gamm-a0a124f6b0