Tsatsakis AM

References (12)

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Author(s) : Garcia-Garcia CR , Parron T , Requena M , Alarcon R , Tsatsakis AM , Hernandez AF
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Title : Synthesis of CoO nanoparticles with block and sphere morphology, and investigation into the influence of morphology on biological toxicity - Raman_2016_Exp.Ther.Med_11_553
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Title : Pesticide exposure and genetic variation in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes interact to induce biochemical liver damage - Hernandez_2013_Food.Chem.Toxicol_61_144
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Title : Hair analysis used to assess chronic exposure to the organophosphate diazinon: a model study with rabbits - Tutudaki_2003_Hum.Exp.Toxicol_22_159
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Title : Severe fenthion intoxications due to ingestion and inhalation with survival outcome - Tsatsakis_2002_Hum.Exp.Toxicol_21_49
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Title : Acute fatal poisoning by methomyl caused by inhalation and transdermal absorption -
Author(s) : Tsatsakis AM , Bertsias GK , Mammas IN , Stiakakis I , Georgopoulos DB
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Title : Pesticide deposition in hair: preliminary results of a model study of methomyl incorporation into rabbit hair - Tsatsakis_1998_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_40_200
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Title : Clinical and toxicological data in fenthion and omethoate acute poisoning - Tsatsakis_1998_J.Environ.Sci.Health.B_33_657
Author(s) : Tsatsakis AM , Manousakis A , Anastasaki M , Tzatzarakis M , Katsanoulas K , Delaki C , Agouridakis P
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Title : Acute poisoning with carbamate pesticides: the Cretan experience - Tsatsakis_1996_Sci.Justice_36_35
Author(s) : Tsatsakis AM , Tsakalof AK , Siatitsas Y , Michalodimitrakis EN
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Title : The analysis of methomyl, a carbamate pesticide, in post-mortem samples - Tsatsakis_1996_Sci.Justice_36_41
Author(s) : Tsatsakis AM , Tsakalof AK , Michalodimitrakis EN
Ref : Sci Justice , 36 :41 , 1996
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Title : Experiences with acute organophosphate poisonings in Crete - Tsatsakis_1996_Vet.Hum.Toxicol_38_101
Author(s) : Tsatsakis AM , Aguridakis P , Michalodimitrakis MN , Tsakalov AK , Alegakis AK , Koumantakis E , Troulakis G
Ref : Vet Hum Toxicol , 38 :101 , 1996
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 8693683