Title : Esterified carotenoids are synthesized in petals of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) and accumulate in differentiated chromoplasts - Iijima_2020_Sci.Rep_10_15256 |
Author(s) : Iijima L , Kishimoto S , Ohmiya A , Yagi M , Okamoto E , Miyahara T , Tsujimoto T , Ozeki Y , Uchiyama N , Hakamatsuka T , Kouno T , Cano EA , Shimizu M , Nishihara M |
Ref : Sci Rep , 10 :15256 , 2020 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Iijima_2020_Sci.Rep_10_15256 |
PubMedID: 32938985 |
Title : Twelve-week jogging training increases pre-heparin serum lipoprotein lipase concentrations in overweight\/obese middle-aged men - Miyashita_2010_J.Atheroscler.Thromb_17_21 |
Author(s) : Miyashita M , Eto M , Sasai H , Tsujimoto T , Nomata Y , Tanaka K |
Ref : J Atheroscler Thromb , 17 :21 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Miyashita_2010_J.Atheroscler.Thromb_17_21 |
PubMedID: 20075597 |
Title : Pre-heparin serum lipoprotein lipase concentrations in obese men of contrasting physical activity status: a preliminary study - |
Author(s) : Miyashita M , Eto M , Sasai H , Tsujimoto T , So R , Nomata Y , Tanaka K |
Ref : J Atheroscler Thromb , 17 :1110 , 2010 |
PubMedID: 20585191 |