Title : Ethyl acetate production by the elusive alcohol acetyltransferase from yeast - Kruis_2017_Metab.Eng_41_92 |
Author(s) : Kruis AJ , Levisson M , Mars AE , Van der Ploeg M , Garces Daza F , Ellena V , Kengen SWM , Van der Oost J , Weusthuis RA |
Ref : Metab Eng , 41 :92 , 2017 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kruis_2017_Metab.Eng_41_92 |
PubMedID: 28356220 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: wicao-a0a1e3p8s6 , wiccf-k0kpv8 , wicao-a0a1e3p8s8 , wiccf-k0ksn3 , cybfa-a0a061ayy2 |
Title : Chromosomal localization of a unique gene by non-autoradiographic in situ hybridization - Landegent_1985_Nature_317_175 |
Author(s) : Landegent JE , Jansen in de Wal N , van Ommen GJ , Baas F , de Vijlder JJ , van Duijn P , Van der Ploeg M |
Ref : Nature , 317 :175 , 1985 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Landegent_1985_Nature_317_175 |
PubMedID: 3839907 |