Vedder M

References (2)

Title : Polar substitutions on the surface of a lipase substantially improve tolerance in organic solvents - Davari_2022_ChemSusChem__
Author(s) : Davari MD , Cui H , Vedder M , Zhang L , Jaeger KE , Schwaneberg U
Ref : ChemSusChem , : , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Davari_2022_ChemSusChem__
PubMedID: 35007408
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-lip

Title : Using Molecular Simulation to Guide Protein Engineering for Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents - Cui_2022_Methods.Mol.Biol_2397_179
Author(s) : Cui H , Vedder M , Schwaneberg U , Davari MD
Ref : Methods Mol Biol , 2397 :179 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cui_2022_Methods.Mol.Biol_2397_179
PubMedID: 34813065
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-lip