Warren L

References (1)

Title : Pharmacogenetic meta-analysis of baseline risk factors, pharmacodynamic, efficacy and tolerability endpoints from two large global cardiovascular outcomes trials for darapladib - Yeo_2017_PLoS.One_12_e0182115
Author(s) : Yeo A , Li L , Warren L , Aponte J , Fraser D , King K , Johansson K , Barnes A , Macphee C , Davies R , Chissoe S , Tarka E , O'Donoghue ML , White HD , Wallentin L , Waterworth D
Ref : PLoS ONE , 12 :e0182115 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yeo_2017_PLoS.One_12_e0182115
PubMedID: 28753643
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PLA2G7