Waser PG


Full name : Waser Peter Gaudenz

First name : Peter Gaudenz

Mail : Institute of Pharmacology, University of Zurich, Zurich 8006

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Country : Switzerland

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Peter Gaudenz Waser was born on 21 July 1918 in Zurich and died on 11 April 2010 in Schiers. Professor of pharmacology, dean, and rector at Zurich University. In the 50's he studied the effects of radioactive labelled curare on neuromuscular junctions. He organized in 1974 the second International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms in Boldern Switzerland

References (77)

Title : Interaction of obidoxime with sarin in aqueous solution - Waser_1992_Arch.Toxicol_66_211
Author(s) : Waser PG , Alioth-Streichenberg CM , Hopff WH , Portmann R , Hofmann W , Niederhauser A
Ref : Archives of Toxicology , 66 :211 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Waser_1992_Arch.Toxicol_66_211
PubMedID: 1497486

Title : Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of obidoxime in sarin-poisoned rats - Alioth-Streichenberg_1991_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_108_509
Author(s) : Alioth-Streichenberg CM , Bodmer DM , Waser PG
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 108 :509 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alioth-Streichenberg_1991_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_108_509
PubMedID: 2020972

Title : Purification and isolation of choline acetyltransferase from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata by affinity chromatography - Raeber_1989_Eur.J.Biochem_186_487
Author(s) : Raeber AJ , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 186 :487 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Raeber_1989_Eur.J.Biochem_186_487
PubMedID: 2606102

Title : Interaction of quaternary ammonium compounds with acetylcholinesterase: characterization of the active site - Thanei-Wyss_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_172_165
Author(s) : Thanei-Wyss P , Waser PG
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 172 :165 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Thanei-Wyss_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_172_165
PubMedID: 2767140

Title : Isolation and purification of acetylcholine receptor proteins by affinity chromatography - Waser_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_172_231
Author(s) : Waser PG , Bodmer DM , Hopff WH
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 172 :231 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Waser_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_172_231
PubMedID: 2776844

Title : Effects of new 4-aminopyridine derivatives on neuromuscular transmission and on smooth muscle contractility - Berger_1989_Arzneimittelforschung_39_762
Author(s) : Berger SG , Waser PG , Hofmann A
Ref : Arzneimittelforschung , 39 :762 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berger_1989_Arzneimittelforschung_39_762
PubMedID: 2551304

Title : Muscarinic receptors on cultured cells of rat hippocampus: cholinergic regulation and presence of subtypes - Rimvall_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_160_1
Author(s) : Rimvall K , Keller F , Waser PG
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 160 :1 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rimvall_1989_Eur.J.Pharmacol_160_1
PubMedID: 2714354

Title : Distribution of the 4-aminopyridine derivative 3-methoxy-4-aminopyridine in mice - Berger_1989_Neuropharmacol_28_191
Author(s) : Berger SG , Waser PG , Chang Sin-Ren A
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 28 :191 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berger_1989_Neuropharmacol_28_191
PubMedID: 2716971

Title : Recovery from opioid receptor alkylation: social conflict analgesia and brain [3H]etorphine binding in beta-chlornaltrexamine-treated mice - Lazega_1988_Eur.J.Pharmacol_155_333
Author(s) : Lazega D , Frischknecht HR , Waser PG , Siegfried B
Ref : European Journal of Pharmacology , 155 :333 , 1988
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lazega_1988_Eur.J.Pharmacol_155_333
PubMedID: 2853070

Title : Presynaptic effects of the pardaxins, polypeptides isolated from the gland secretion of the flatfish Pardachirus marmoratus - Renner_1987_Neurosci_23_319
Author(s) : Renner P , Caratsch CG , Waser PG , Lazarovici P , Primor N
Ref : Neuroscience , 23 :319 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Renner_1987_Neurosci_23_319
PubMedID: 2825076

Title : Subtypes of muscarinic receptors in cultured explants of the hippocampus of the rat - Waser_1987_Neuropharmacol_26_1027
Author(s) : Waser PG , Rimvall K
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 26 :1027 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Waser_1987_Neuropharmacol_26_1027
PubMedID: 3658113

Title : Distribution and kinetics of 14C-vecuronium in rats and mice - Waser_1987_Br.J.Anaesth_59_1044
Author(s) : Waser PG , Wiederkehr H , Sin-Ren AC , Kaiser-Schonenberger E
Ref : British Journal of Anaesthesia , 59 :1044 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Waser_1987_Br.J.Anaesth_59_1044
PubMedID: 2888475

Title : [14C]chloroacetylcholine as an advantageous affinity label of the acetylcholine receptor - Bodmer_1987_J.Recept.Res_7_799
Author(s) : Bodmer DM , Sin-Ren AC , Waser PG
Ref : J Recept Res , 7 :799 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bodmer_1987_J.Recept.Res_7_799
PubMedID: 3450869

Title : Choline and acetylcholine metabolism in slice cultures of the newborn rat septum - Keller_1987_Brain.Res_405_305
Author(s) : Keller F , Rimvall K , Waser PG
Ref : Brain Research , 405 :305 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Keller_1987_Brain.Res_405_305
PubMedID: 3567608

Title : Muscarinic receptors in slice cultures of rat brain - Rimvall_1986_Neuropharmacol_25_221
Author(s) : Rimvall K , Keller F , Waser PG
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 25 :221 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rimvall_1986_Neuropharmacol_25_221
PubMedID: 3703172

Title : Pharmacokinetics of [14C]-Sarin and Its Changes by Obidoxime and Pralidoxime -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Sammett R , Schonenberger E , Chang Sin-Ren AC
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 30 :743 , 1986

Title : Morphology and molecular function of the cholinergic synapse -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : European Journal of Anaesthesiology , 2 :105 , 1985
PubMedID: 3896781

Title : Development of cholinergic projections in organotypic cultures of rat septum, hippocampus and cerebellum - Rimvall_1985_Brain.Res_351_267
Author(s) : Rimvall K , Keller F , Waser PG
Ref : Brain Research , 351 :267 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rimvall_1985_Brain.Res_351_267
PubMedID: 3995351

Title : Blockade of acetylcholine synthesis in organophosphate poisoning - Hopff_1984_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_72_513
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 72 :513 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hopff_1984_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_72_513
PubMedID: 6710501

Title : Sarin poisoning in guinea pigs compared to reactivation of acetylcholinesterase in vitro as a basis for therapy - Hopff_1984_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_55_1
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica (Copenh) , 55 :1 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hopff_1984_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_55_1
PubMedID: 6380215

Title : Slice cultures confirm the presence of cholinergic neurons in the rat habenula - Keller_1984_Neurosci.Lett_52_299
Author(s) : Keller F , Rimvall K , Waser PG
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 52 :299 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Keller_1984_Neurosci.Lett_52_299
PubMedID: 6395047

Title : Effects of obidoxime chloride on native and sarin-poisoned frog neuromuscular junctions - Caratsch_1984_Pflugers.Arch_401_84
Author(s) : Caratsch CG , Waser PG
Ref : Pflugers Arch , 401 :84 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Caratsch_1984_Pflugers.Arch_401_84
PubMedID: 6382149

Title : Affinity chromatography of cholinergic receptor proteins - Hopff_1984_J.Recept.Res_4_219
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Bodmer DM , Waser PG
Ref : J Recept Res , 4 :219 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hopff_1984_J.Recept.Res_4_219
PubMedID: 6527353

Title : Incorporation of small unilamellar liposomes loaded with horseradish peroxidase into isolated nerve endings from electric organ of Torpedo marmorata - Muller_1983_J.Neurocytol_12_507
Author(s) : Muller U , Munz K , Waser PG
Ref : Journal of Neurocytology , 12 :507 , 1983
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Muller_1983_J.Neurocytol_12_507
PubMedID: 6875621

Title : Electron microscopic localization of choline acetyl transferase activity in the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata - Munz_1983_Histochem_78_339
Author(s) : Munz K , Muller U , Waser PG
Ref : Histochemistry , 78 :339 , 1983
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Munz_1983_Histochem_78_339
PubMedID: 6885516

Title : Choline acetyltransferase in organotypic cultures of rat septum and hippocampus - Keller_1983_Neurosci.Lett_42_273
Author(s) : Keller F , Rimvall K , Waser PG
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 42 :273 , 1983
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Keller_1983_Neurosci.Lett_42_273
PubMedID: 6664633

Title : Recent advances in identification and isolation of acetylcholinesterase and a cholinergic receptor protein -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Hopff WH , Schaub MC , Hofmann A
Ref : Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol , 36 :7 , 1983
PubMedID: 6344566

Title : Cholinergic Receptor Isolation -
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Hofmann A , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 25 :323 , 1981

Title : Quantitative correlation between complete block of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and saturation of the motor endplate with 14C-toxiferine -
Author(s) : Caratsch CG , Waser PG , Spiess C , Schonenberger E
Ref : Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol , 306 :17 , 1979
PubMedID: 423997

Title : Constituents of Acetylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Werner G , Wojnarowski W , Hopff WH , Waser PG
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 24 :231 , 1978

Title : The Endocytotic Role of Vesicles at the Cholinergic Synapse -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Naef W
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 24 :347 , 1978

Title : Morphometric analyses of the electric organ of Torpedo: the influence of different fixative modes on the vesicle diameter - Naef_1978_Histochem_58_193
Author(s) : Naef W , Munz K , Waser PG
Ref : Histochemistry , 58 :193 , 1978
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Naef_1978_Histochem_58_193
PubMedID: 32156

Title : The influence of taipoxin on cholinergic synapses in the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata - Naef_1978_J.Neural.Transm_42_263
Author(s) : Naef W , Waser PG
Ref : J Neural Transm , 42 :263 , 1978
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Naef_1978_J.Neural.Transm_42_263
PubMedID: 681922

Title : Effect of p-nitrophenyl diazonium fluoroborate on cholinergic mechanisms - Caratsch_1976_Naunyn.Schmiedebergs.Arch.Pharmacol_294_61
Author(s) : Caratsch CG , Waser PG , Spiess C , Felix D , Walser J
Ref : Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol , 294 :61 , 1976
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Caratsch_1976_Naunyn.Schmiedebergs.Arch.Pharmacol_294_61
PubMedID: 1087374

Title : Characterization of the active site of acetylcholinesterases by application of sterically modified acetylcholine homo1ogues -
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Riggio G , Hofmann A , Waser PG
Ref : Croatica Chemica Acta , 47 :309 , 1975

Title : Progress in isolation of acetylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : Cholinergic.Mechanisms, Raven Press :293 , 1975

Title : Studies on the protective action of atropine and obidoxime against sarin poisoning in mice -
Author(s) : Borbely AA , Junod U , Hopff WH , Hofmann A , Yaney R , Waser PG
Ref : Cholinergic.Mechanisms, Raven Press :427 , 1975

Title : Binding studies on membrane fragments of electroplax from Torpedo marmorata -
Author(s) : Walser JT , Schaub MC , Waser PG
Ref : Cholinergic.Mechanisms, Raven Press :365 , 1975

Title : Affinity labeling and action of ultraviolet light on end plates -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Studer E , Caratsch CG , Chang A , Hofmann A
Ref : Cholinergic.Mechanisms, Raven Press :387 , 1975

Title : Affinity-labelling of the muscarinic receptor of the guinea-pig illeum - Lebbin_1975_Naunyn.Schmiedebergs.Arch.Pharmacol_289_237
Author(s) : Lebbin C , Hofmann A , Waser PG
Ref : Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol , 289 :237 , 1975
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lebbin_1975_Naunyn.Schmiedebergs.Arch.Pharmacol_289_237
PubMedID: 1161054

Title : Studies about the specificity of the histochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase - Lebbin_1975_Histochem_45_309
Author(s) : Lebbin C , Waser PG
Ref : Histochemistry , 45 :309 , 1975
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lebbin_1975_Histochem_45_309
PubMedID: 1213944

Title : Affinity chromatography of acetylcholine acetyl-hydrolase. EC A new straight chain aliphatic inhibitor -
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Riggio G , Waser PG
Ref : FEBS Letters , 35 :220 , 1973
PubMedID: 4744390

Title : Tricyclic antidepressants: action on synaptosomal acetylcholinesterase and ATPase in the brain of guinea pigs and subcellular distribution -
Author(s) : Caratsch CG , Waser PG
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 12 :563 , 1973
PubMedID: 4269371

Title : Affinity labelling of cholinergic receptors -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Brain Research , 62 :551 , 1973
PubMedID: 4760522

Title : Electron microscopic studies of degeneration and regeneration of rat neuromuscular junctions -
Author(s) : Gonzenbach HR , Waser PG
Ref : Brain Research , 63 :167 , 1973
PubMedID: 4587477

Title : [Electron microscopic studies on degeneration and regeneration of the nervus phrenicus of the white rat] -
Author(s) : Gonzenbach HR , Nickel E , Waser PG
Ref : Microsc Acta , 71 :159 , 1972
PubMedID: 4551590

Title : [Molecular theory about the mechanism of action of curare compounds] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Anaesthesist , 20 :23 , 1971
PubMedID: 4251063

Title : The action of some neuro- and psychopharmacological agents on the membrane ATP-ase of cortical synaptosomes -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Schaub E
Ref : Advances in Cytopharmacology , 1 :397 , 1971
PubMedID: 4271025

Title : Action of some neuro- and psychopharmaco on membrane ATP-ase and acetylcholinesterase of cortical synaptosomes -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Schaub E
Ref : Drugs and Cholinergic Mechanisms in the CNS :359 , 1970

Title : [Why may reactivators be harmful? Transacted on the example of reactivation of the blockaded acetylcholinesterase] -
Author(s) : Hopff WH , Waser PG
Ref : Pharm Acta Helv , 45 :414 , 1970
PubMedID: 5492057

Title : [Influence of denervation of muscle end plates on the localization of acetylcholinesterase and fixation of decamethonium] -
Author(s) : Truog P , Waser PG
Ref : Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol , 266 :101 , 1970
PubMedID: 4245714

Title : On receptors in the postsynaptic membrane of the motor endplate. In: Molecular properties of drug receptors -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Ciba Found Symp , :59 , 1970
PubMedID: 4332271

Title : [Affinity labelling of the cholinergic receptor of the motor end plate with diazoacetylcholine] -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Hofmann A , Hopff WH
Ref : Experientia , 26 :1342 , 1970
PubMedID: 4321673

Title : Electronmicroscopic and autoradiographic studies of normal and denervated endplates -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Nickel E
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 31 :157 , 1969
PubMedID: 5345798

Title : Molecular drug kinetics in endplates -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Farmacoci , 23 :513 , 1968
PubMedID: 5670101

Title : [The use of pesticides and their dangerous effects on the human body] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Ther Umsch , 24 :12 , 1967
PubMedID: 5624158

Title : Receptor localisation by autoradiographic techniques -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 144 :737 , 1967

Title : [Coated vesicles in the region of the neuromuscular synapses] -
Author(s) : Nickel E , Vogel A , Waser PG
Ref : Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat , 78 :261 , 1967
PubMedID: 5588987

Title : [Autoradiography of the end plates with DFP] -
Author(s) : Reller J , Waser PG
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta , 68 :C113 , 1966
PubMedID: 5987879

Title : [The pharmacological investigation of drugs in cholinergic or cholinolytic alkaloids (muscarine and Calebasse-curare)] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Planta Med , 13 :296 , 1965
PubMedID: 5826182

Title : [Designation of the number of active centers of acetylcholinesterase in motor endplates] -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Reller J
Ref : Experientia , 21 :402 , 1965
PubMedID: 5870775

Title : [Distribution and metabolism of C14-decamethonium in cats] -
Author(s) : Luthi U , Waser PG
Ref : Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie , 156 :319 , 1965
PubMedID: 5868941

Title : [Antagonism of curarine\/acetylcholine and curarine\/potassium in the end plate] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Pathol Microbiol (Basel) , 27 :499 , 1964
PubMedID: 14178189

Title : [Cholinergic receptors in the muscle end plates] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Pflugers Arch Gesamte Physiol Menschen Tiere , 274 :431 , 1962
PubMedID: 14005097

Title : [Pharmacology and clinical use of the short-term muscle relaxant diallyl-nor toxiferine] -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Harbeck P
Ref : Anaesthesist , 11 :33 , 1962
PubMedID: 14005095

Title : [On C-14-curare fixation in endplates] -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Luethi U
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta , 20 :237 , 1962
PubMedID: 13999029

Title : Chemistry and pharmacology of muscarine, muscarone, and some related compounds -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Pharmacol Rev , 13 :465 , 1961
PubMedID: 14005096

Title : The cholinergic receptor -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : J Pharm Pharmacol , 12 :577 , 1960
PubMedID: 13783279

Title : [The mechanism of action of cholinergic and anticholinergic substances] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Schweiz Med Wochenschr , 87 :577 , 1957
PubMedID: 13442609

Title : [Effect of muscarine and acetylcholine on isolated iris muscles] -
Author(s) : Kuenzle CC , Waser PG
Ref : Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie , 109 :8 , 1957
PubMedID: 13412185

Title : [Autoradiographic detection of C14-calabash curarine and C14-decamethonium in endplate] -
Author(s) : Waser PG , Luthi U , Huber P
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta , 14 :C55 , 1956
PubMedID: 13405366

Title : [Ganglionic effect of muscarin] -
Author(s) : Konzett H , Waser PG
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta , 14 :202 , 1956
PubMedID: 13345220

Title : Autoradiography of end-plates with carbon-14-calabash-curarine I and carbon-14-decamethonium -
Author(s) : Luthi U , Waser PG
Ref : Nature , 178 :981 , 1956
PubMedID: 13378493

Title : [Absence of an autonomic (nicotine-like) effect of muscarine] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Experientia , 11 :452 , 1955
PubMedID: 13277484

Title : [Curarization of tone musculature in frog] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta , 12 :C 37 , 1954
PubMedID: 13201032

Title : [Properties of muscarine] -
Author(s) : Eugster CH , Waser PG
Ref : Experientia , 10 :298 , 1954
PubMedID: 13183078

Title : [Calebash curare] -
Author(s) : Waser PG
Ref : Helv Physiol Pharmacol Acta Suppl 1 , 8 :5 , 1953
PubMedID: 13108200