Title : Hepatic and pulmonary enzyme activities in horses - Lakritz_2000_Am.J.Vet.Res_61_152 |
Author(s) : Lakritz J , Winder BS , Noorouz-Zadeh J , Huang TL , Buckpitt AR , Hammock BD , Plopper CG |
Ref : American Journal of Veterinary Research , 61 :152 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lakritz_2000_Am.J.Vet.Res_61_152 |
PubMedID: 10685686 |
Title : Properties of enzymes hydrating epoxides in human epidermis and liver - Winder_1993_Int.J.Biochem_25_1291 |
Author(s) : Winder BS , Nourooz-Zadeh J , Isseroff RR , Moghaddam MF , Hammock BD |
Ref : International Journal of Biochemistry , 25 :1291 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Winder_1993_Int.J.Biochem_25_1291 |
PubMedID: 8224376 |