Xing HX

References (2)

Title : Relationship between lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphism and hemorrhagic stroke in a Chinese population - Xing_2015_Int.J.Clin.Exp.Med_8_13592
Author(s) : Xing HX , Guo SX , Zhang Y , Zhang XY
Ref : Int J Clin Exp Med , 8 :13592 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xing_2015_Int.J.Clin.Exp.Med_8_13592
PubMedID: 26550299

Title : E112D polymorphism in the prolylcarboxypeptidase gene is associated with blood pressure response to benazepril in Chinese hypertensive patients - Zhang_2009_Chin.Med.J.(Engl)_122_2461
Author(s) : Zhang Y , Hong XM , Xing HX , Li JP , Huo Y , Xu XP
Ref : Chinese Medical Journal (Engl) , 122 :2461 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhang_2009_Chin.Med.J.(Engl)_122_2461
PubMedID: 20079160
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP