
Homo sapiens (Human) Lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase C prolylcarboxypeptidase , Angiotensinase C, Proline carboxypeptidase (EC3.4.16.2)


Cleaves C-terminal amino acids linked to proline in peptides such as angiotensin II, III and des-Arg9-bradykinin. This cleavage occurs at acidic pH, but enzymatic activity is retained with some substrates at neutral pH. PRCP was originally discovered as an angiotensinase and has since been implicated in vasodilatory, proinflammatory, and metabolic pathways. For example, angiotensin II, III and prekallikrein are all inactivated by PRCP, implicating a role for the enzyme in hypertension, tissue proliferation and smooth muscle growth. PRCP is also reported to inactivate -melanocyte-stimulating hormone, a neuropeptide that plays a role in regulating appetite || Belongs to peptidase family s28


Family : Prolylcarboxypeptidase

Block : X

Position in NCBI Life Tree : Homo sapiens

(Below N is a link to NCBI taxonomic web page and E link to ESTHER at designed phylum.)

> cellular organisms N E > Eukaryota N E > Opisthokonta N E > Metazoa N E > Eumetazoa N E > Bilateria N E > Deuterostomia N E > Chordata N E > Craniata N E > Vertebrata N E > Gnathostomata N E > Teleostomi N E > Euteleostomi N E > Sarcopterygii N E > Dipnotetrapodomorpha N E > Tetrapoda N E > Amniota N E > Mammalia N E > Theria N E > Eutheria N E > Boreoeutheria N E > Euarchontoglires N E > Primates N E > Haplorrhini N E > Simiiformes N E > Catarrhini N E > Hominoidea N E > Hominidae N E > Homininae N E > Homo N E > Homo sapiens N E

Molecular evidence

No mutation

No kinetic

No disease

No substrate




References (28)

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD1 , human-ABHD4 , human-ABHD12 , human-ABHD16A , human-ACOT1 , human-LDAH , human-ABHD18 , human-CES1 , human-CES4A , human-CES5A , human-CPVL , human-DAGLB , human-EPHX2 , human-KANSL3 , human-LIPA , human-LPL , human-MEST , human-NDRG1 , human-NLGN1 , human-NLGN4X , human-PRCP , human-PRSS16 , human-SERAC1 , human-TMEM53 , human-cb069

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP