References (3)

Title : Notum palmitoleoyl-protein carboxylesterase regulates Fas cell surface death receptor-mediated apoptosis via the Wnt signaling pathway in colon adenocarcinoma - Gong_2021_Bioengineered_12_5241
Author(s) : Gong H , Niu Q , Zhou Y , Wang YX , Xu XF , Hou KZ
Ref : Bioengineered , 12 :5241 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gong_2021_Bioengineered_12_5241
PubMedID: 34402722

Title : Near-perfect kinetic resolution of o-methylphenyl glycidyl ether by RpEH, a novel epoxide hydrolase from Rhodotorula paludigena JNU001 with high stereoselectivity - Xu_2020_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol__
Author(s) : Xu XF , Hu D , Hu BC , Li C , Liu YY , Wu MC
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xu_2020_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol__
PubMedID: 32462245
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhodp-EPH1

Title : Near-perfect kinetic resolution of racemic p-chlorostyrene oxide by SlEH1, a novel epoxide hydrolase from Solanum lycopersicum with extremely high enantioselectivity - Hu_2020_Int.J.Biol.Macromol_147_1213
Author(s) : Hu BC , Hu D , Li C , Xu XF , Wen Z , Wu MC
Ref : Int J Biol Macromol , 147 :1213 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hu_2020_Int.J.Biol.Macromol_147_1213
PubMedID: 31739010
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspng-q1ktb5