Title : CGI-58 is an alpha\/beta-hydrolase within lipid transporting lamellar granules of differentiated keratinocytes - Akiyama_2008_Am.J.Pathol_173_1349 |
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Ref : American Journal of Pathology , 173 :1349 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Akiyama_2008_Am.J.Pathol_173_1349 |
PubMedID: 18832586 |
Title : Pyridostigmine in autonomic failure: can we treat postural hypotension and bladder dysfunction with one drug? - Yamamoto_2006_Clin.Auton.Res_16_296 |
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Ref : Clin Auton Res , 16 :296 , 2006 |
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PubMedSearch : Yamamoto_2006_Clin.Auton.Res_16_296 |
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Title : [Study on the anti-dementia therapies for rats with a unilateral basal forebrain lesion--serial changes of the cholinergic markers' activities and event-related potentials after the administration of bifemelane hydrochloride or autotransplantation of the vagal nodosal ganglion]. [Japanese] - Ikeda_1995_No.To.Shinkei_47_455 |
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Ref : No to Shinkei Brain & Nerve , 47 :455 , 1995 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ikeda_1995_No.To.Shinkei_47_455 |
PubMedID: 7786622 |
Title : Age-related changes of cholinergic markers in the rat brain - Yufu_1994_Japan.J.Pharmacol_66_247 |
Author(s) : Yufu F , Egashira T , Yamanaka Y |
Ref : Japanese Journal of Pharmacology , 66 :247 , 1994 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Yufu_1994_Japan.J.Pharmacol_66_247 |
PubMedID: 7869609 |