Zaborszky L


Full name : Zaborszky Laszlo

First name : Laszlo

Mail : Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey, 07102

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References (50)

Title : Prenatal development of the human entorhinal cortex - Simic_2022_J.Comp.Neurol__
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Title : Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Basal Nucleus of Meynert in Cigarette Smokers: Dependence Level and Gender Differences - Zhang_2017_Nicotine.Tob.Res_19_452
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Title : Volume Loss of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert is Associated with Atrophy of Innervated Regions in Mild Cognitive Impairment - Cantero_2017_Cereb.Cortex_27_3881
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Title : Basal Forebrain Cholinergic-Auditory Cortical Network: Primary Versus Nonprimary Auditory Cortical Areas - Chavez_2017_Cereb.Cortex_27_2335
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Title : Topographic organization of the basal forebrain projections to the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortex in rats - Kondo_2016_J.Comp.Neurol_524_2503
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Title : Effects of Ncl. Basalis Meynert volume on the Trail-Making-Test are restricted to the left hemisphere - Lammers_2016_Brain.Behav_6_e00421
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Title : Cholinergic Mechanisms in the Cerebral Cortex: Beyond Synaptic Transmission - Ovsepian_2016_Neuroscientist_22_238
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Title : The Effects of Methylphenidate on Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Basal Nucleus of Meynert, Locus Coeruleus, and Ventral Tegmental Area in Healthy Adults - Kline_2016_Front.Hum.Neurosci_10_149
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Title : Impact of basal forebrain cholinergic inputs on basolateral amygdala neurons - Unal_2015_J.Neurosci_35_853
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Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 35 :853 , 2015
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Title : Neurons in the basal forebrain project to the cortex in a complex topographic organization that reflects corticocortical connectivity patterns: an experimental study based on retrograde tracing and 3D reconstruction - Zaborszky_2015_Cereb.Cortex_25_118
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Csordas A , Mosca K , Kim J , Gielow MR , Vadasz C , Nadasdy Z
Ref : Cerebral Cortex , 25 :118 , 2015
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Title : Resting state functional connectivity of the basal nucleus of Meynert in humans: in comparison to the ventral striatum and the effects of age - Li_2014_Neuroimage_97_321
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Title : Neurotrophin receptor p75 mediates the uptake of the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide, guiding it to lysosomes for degradation in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons - Ovsepian_2014_Brain.Struct.Funct_219_1527
Author(s) : Ovsepian SV , Antyborzec I , O'Leary VB , Zaborszky L , Herms J , Oliver Dolly J
Ref : Brain Struct Funct , 219 :1527 , 2014
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 23716278

Title : Septal nuclei enlargement in human temporal lobe epilepsy without mesial temporal sclerosis - Butler_2013_Neurology_80_487
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Title : Distribution of secretagogin-containing neurons in the basal forebrain of mice, with special reference to the cholinergic corticopetal system - Gyengesi_2013_Brain.Res.Bull_94_1
Author(s) : Gyengesi E , Andrews ZB , Paxinos G , Zaborszky L
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 94 :1 , 2013
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Title : Intrinsic voltage dynamics govern the diversity of spontaneous firing profiles in basal forebrain noncholinergic neurons - Ovsepian_2012_J.Neurophysiol_108_406
Author(s) : Ovsepian SV , Dolly JO , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Neurophysiology , 108 :406 , 2012
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PubMedID: 22496531

Title : Adult mouse basal forebrain harbors two distinct cholinergic populations defined by their electrophysiology - Unal_2012_Front.Behav.Neurosci_6_21
Author(s) : Unal CT , Golowasch JP , Zaborszky L
Ref : Front Behavioral Neuroscience , 6 :21 , 2012
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Title : Reduction of basal forebrain cholinergic system parallels cognitive impairment in patients at high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease - Grothe_2010_Cereb.Cortex_20_1685
Author(s) : Grothe M , Zaborszky L , Atienza M , Gil-Neciga E , Rodriguez-Romero R , Teipel SJ , Amunts K , Suarez-Gonzalez A , Cantero JL
Ref : Cerebral Cortex , 20 :1685 , 2010
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Title : Clustering of large cell populations: method and application to the basal forebrain cholinergic system - Nadasdy_2010_J.Neurosci.Methods_194_46
Author(s) : Nadasdy Z , Varsanyi P , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 194 :46 , 2010
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Title : Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 and vesicular glutamate transporter 2 synapses on cholinergic neurons in the sublenticular gray of the rat basal forebrain: a double-label electron microscopic study - Hur_2009_Neurosci_164_1721
Author(s) : Hur EE , Edwards RH , Rommer E , Zaborszky L
Ref : Neuroscience , 164 :1721 , 2009
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PubMedID: 19778580

Title : Stereotaxic probabilistic maps of the magnocellular cell groups in human basal forebrain - Zaborszky_2008_Neuroimage_42_1127
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Hoemke L , Mohlberg H , Schleicher A , Amunts K , Zilles K
Ref : Neuroimage , 42 :1127 , 2008
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 18585468

Title : The effect of prefrontal stimulation on the firing of basal forebrain neurons in urethane anesthetized rat - Gyengesi_2008_Brain.Res.Bull_75_570
Author(s) : Gyengesi E , Zaborszky L , Detari L
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 75 :570 , 2008
Abstract :
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Title : Morphological characterization of electrophysiologically and immunohistochemically identified basal forebrain cholinergic and neuropeptide Y-containing neurons - Duque_2007_Brain.Struct.Funct_212_55
Author(s) : Duque A , Tepper JM , Detari L , Ascoli GA , Zaborszky L
Ref : Brain Struct Funct , 212 :55 , 2007
Abstract :
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Title : Somatostatin presynaptically inhibits both GABA and glutamate release onto rat basal forebrain cholinergic neurons - Momiyama_2006_J.Neurophysiol_96_686
Author(s) : Momiyama T , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Neurophysiology , 96 :686 , 2006
Abstract :
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Title : EEG effect of basal forebrain neuropeptide Y administration in urethane anaesthetized rats - Toth_2005_Brain.Res.Bull_66_37
Author(s) : Toth A , Zaborszky L , Detari L
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 66 :37 , 2005
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 15925142

Title : Three-dimensional chemoarchitecture of the basal forebrain: spatially specific association of cholinergic and calcium binding protein-containing neurons - Zaborszky_2005_Neurosci_136_697
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Buhl DL , Pobalashingham S , Bjaalie JG , Nadasdy Z
Ref : Neuroscience , 136 :697 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_2005_Neurosci_136_697
PubMedID: 16344145

Title : Alpha-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2 A )) is colocalized in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons: a light and electron microscopic double immunolabeling study - Zaborszky_2004_J.Neurocytol_33_265
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Rosin DL , Kiss J
Ref : Journal of Neurocytology , 33 :265 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_2004_J.Neurocytol_33_265
PubMedID: 15475682

Title : Hypocretin\/orexin innervation and excitation of identified septohippocampal cholinergic neurons - Wu_2004_J.Neurosci_24_3527
Author(s) : Wu M , Zaborszky L , Hajszan T , van den Pol AN , Alreja M
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 24 :3527 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wu_2004_J.Neurosci_24_3527
PubMedID: 15071100

Title : Sleep-wake mechanisms and basal forebrain circuitry - Zaborszky_2003_Front.Biosci_8_d1146
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Duque A
Ref : Front Biosci , 8 :d1146 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_2003_Front.Biosci_8_d1146
PubMedID: 12957822

Title : Direct catecholaminergic-cholinergic interactions in the basal forebrain. III. Adrenergic innervation of choline acetyltransferase-containing neurons in the rat - Hajszan_2002_J.Comp.Neurol_449_141
Author(s) : Hajszan T , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 449 :141 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hajszan_2002_J.Comp.Neurol_449_141
PubMedID: 12115685

Title : The modular organization of brain systems. Basal forebrain: the last frontier - Zaborszky_2002_Prog.Brain.Res_136_359
Author(s) : Zaborszky L
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 136 :359 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_2002_Prog.Brain.Res_136_359
PubMedID: 12143394

Title : Local synaptic connections of basal forebrain neurons - Zaborszky_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_115_143
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Duque A
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 115 :143 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_2000_Behav.Brain.Res_115_143
PubMedID: 11000417

Title : EEG correlation of the discharge properties of identified neurons in the basal forebrain - Duque_2000_J.Neurophysiol_84_1627
Author(s) : Duque A , Balatoni B , Detari L , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Neurophysiology , 84 :1627 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Duque_2000_J.Neurophysiol_84_1627
PubMedID: 10980032

Title : The basal forebrain corticopetal system revisited - Zaborszky_1999_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_877_339
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Pang K , Somogyi J , Nadasdy Z , Kallo I
Ref : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 877 :339 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1999_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_877_339
PubMedID: 10415658

Title : Morphological and electrophysiological characteristics of noncholinergic basal forebrain neurons - Pang_1998_J.Comp.Neurol_394_186
Author(s) : Pang K , Tepper JM , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 394 :186 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pang_1998_J.Comp.Neurol_394_186
PubMedID: 9552125

Title : Cortical input to the basal forebrain - Zaborszky_1997_Neurosci_79_1051
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Gaykema RP , Swanson DJ , Cullinan WE
Ref : Neuroscience , 79 :1051 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1997_Neurosci_79_1051
PubMedID: 9219967

Title : Direct catecholaminergic-cholinergic interactions in the basal forebrain. II. Substantia nigra-ventral tegmental area projections to cholinergic neurons - Gaykema_1996_J.Comp.Neurol_374_555
Author(s) : Gaykema RP , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 374 :555 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gaykema_1996_J.Comp.Neurol_374_555
PubMedID: 8910735

Title : Direct catecholaminergic-cholinergic interactions in the basal forebrain. I. Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase- and tyrosine hydroxylase input to cholinergic neurons - Zaborszky_1996_J.Comp.Neurol_374_535
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Cullinan WE
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 374 :535 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1996_J.Comp.Neurol_374_535
PubMedID: 8910734

Title : Catecholaminergic-cholinergic interaction in the basal forebrain -
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Cullinan WE , Luine VN
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 98 :31 , 1993
PubMedID: 7902593

Title : Projections from the nucleus accumbens to cholinergic neurons of the ventral pallidum: a correlated light and electron microscopic double-immunolabeling study in rat - Zaborszky_1992_Brain.Res_570_92
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Cullinan WE
Ref : Brain Research , 570 :92 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1992_Brain.Res_570_92
PubMedID: 1617433

Title : Organization of ascending hypothalamic projections to the rostral forebrain with special reference to the innervation of cholinergic projection neurons - Cullinan_1991_J.Comp.Neurol_306_631
Author(s) : Cullinan WE , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 306 :631 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cullinan_1991_J.Comp.Neurol_306_631
PubMedID: 2071698

Title : Afferents to basal forebrain cholinergic projection neurons: an update -
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Cullinan WE , Braun A
Ref : Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology , 295 :43 , 1991
PubMedID: 1776580

Title : Afferent connections of the forebrain cholinergic projection neurons, with special reference to monoaminergic and peptidergic fibers - Zaborszky_1989_EXS_57_12
Author(s) : Zaborszky L
Ref : Exs , 57 :12 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1989_EXS_57_12
PubMedID: 2533086

Title : Hypothalamic axons terminate on forebrain cholinergic neurons: an ultrastructural double-labeling study using PHA-L tracing and ChAT immunocytochemistry - Zaborszky_1989_Brain.Res_479_177
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Cullinan WE
Ref : Brain Research , 479 :177 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1989_Brain.Res_479_177
PubMedID: 2924147

Title : GABAergic input to cholinergic forebrain neurons: an ultrastructural study using retrograde tracing of HRP and double immunolabeling - Zaborszky_1986_J.Comp.Neurol_250_282
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Heimer L , Eckenstein F , Leranth C
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 250 :282 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1986_J.Comp.Neurol_250_282
PubMedID: 3528237

Title : Distribution of GABAergic and cholinergic neurons in the rat diagonal band - Brashear_1986_Neurosci_17_439
Author(s) : Brashear HR , Zaborszky L , Heimer L
Ref : Neuroscience , 17 :439 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Brashear_1986_Neurosci_17_439
PubMedID: 3517690

Title : Cholinergic and GABAergic afferents to the olfactory bulb in the rat with special emphasis on the projection neurons in the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band - Zaborszky_1986_J.Comp.Neurol_243_488
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Carlsen J , Brashear HR , Heimer L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 243 :488 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1986_J.Comp.Neurol_243_488
PubMedID: 3512629

Title : Simultaneous ultrastructural demonstration of retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity - Zaborszky_1985_Histochem_82_529
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Leranth C
Ref : Histochemistry , 82 :529 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1985_Histochem_82_529
PubMedID: 4030407

Title : Cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain to the basolateral amygdaloid complex: a combined retrograde fluorescent and immunohistochemical study - Carlsen_1985_J.Comp.Neurol_234_155
Author(s) : Carlsen J , Zaborszky L , Heimer L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 234 :155 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Carlsen_1985_J.Comp.Neurol_234_155
PubMedID: 3886715

Title : Choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity is localized to four types of synapses in the rat interpeduncular nucleus - Lenn_1985_J.Neurocytol_14_909
Author(s) : Lenn NJ , Leranth C , Zaborszky L
Ref : Journal of Neurocytology , 14 :909 , 1985
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lenn_1985_J.Neurocytol_14_909
PubMedID: 3913748

Title : Ultrastructural evidence of amygdalofugal axons terminating on cholinergic cells of the rostral forebrain - Zaborszky_1984_Neurosci.Lett_52_219
Author(s) : Zaborszky L , Leranth C , Heimer L
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 52 :219 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zaborszky_1984_Neurosci.Lett_52_219
PubMedID: 6521966