Zdovc I

References (1)

Title : Synthesis and biochemical evaluation of new 3-amido-4-substituted monocyclic -lactams as inhibitors of penicillin-binding protein(s) - Grabrijan_2024_Acta.Pharm_74_423
Author(s) : Grabrijan K , Benedik NS , Krajnc A , Bozovicar K , Knez D , Proj M , Zdovc I , Sosic I , Contreras-Martel C , Dessen A , Rambaher MH , Gobec S
Ref : Acta Pharm , 74 :423 , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grabrijan_2024_Acta.Pharm_74_423
PubMedID: 39279527