Bastola D

References (1)

Title : Loss of Dnmt3b function upregulates the tumor modifier Ment and accelerates mouse lymphomagenesis - Hlady_2012_J.Clin.Invest_122_163
Author(s) : Hlady RA , Novakova S , Opavska J , Klinkebiel D , Peters SL , Bies J , Hannah J , Iqbal J , Anderson KM , Siebler HM , Smith LM , Greiner TC , Bastola D , Joshi S , Lockridge O , Simpson MA , Felsher DW , Wagner KU , Chan WC , Christman JK , Opavsky R
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 122 :163 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hlady_2012_J.Clin.Invest_122_163
PubMedID: 22133874