Romero AA

References (1)

Title : Selective ethanolysis of sunflower oil with Lipozyme RM IM, an immobilized Rhizomucor miehei lipase, to obtain a biodiesel-like biofuel, which avoids glycerol production through the monoglyceride formation - Calero_2014_N.Biotechnol_31_596
Author(s) : Calero J , Verdugo C , Luna D , Sancho ED , Luna C , Posadillo A , Bautista FM , Romero AA
Ref : N Biotechnol , 31 :596 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Calero_2014_N.Biotechnol_31_596
PubMedID: 24594272
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhimi-lipas