

Gene Locus : human-BCHE

Mode of mutation : Site directed mutagenesis

Disease :

Summary : Peripheral Anionic Site no changes in Kcat Km for esters Loewenstein-Lichtenstein_1996_Mol.Pharmacol_50_1423

AAA Change :

Allelic Variant :

Risk Factor :

Inhibitor :

Structure :

Disease by interaction :

Interact Gene Locus :

Xenobiotic sensitivity :

Modification : Peripheral Anionic Site

Torpedo_number : 122

Kinetic Parameter : Butyrylthiocholine_T120E_human-BCHE, Tacrine_T120E_human-BCHE, Succinylcholine~Suxamethonium_T120E_human-BCHE, Dibucaine_T120E_human-BCHE, Solanine_T120E_human-BCHE, BW284C51_T120E_human-BCHE

News : No news

Comment :
p.T120E Thr120Glu (p.T148E Thr148Glu in primary sequence with 28 amino-acids signal peptide) Peripheral Anionic Site\;no changes in Kcat Km for esters

References (1)

Title : Overlapping drug interaction sites of human butyrylcholinesterase dissected by site-directed mutagenesis - Loewenstein-Lichtenstein_1996_Mol.Pharmacol_50_1423
Author(s) : Loewenstein-Lichtenstein Y , Glick D , Gluzman N , Sternfeld M , Zakut H , Soreq H
Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 50 :1423 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Loewenstein-Lichtenstein_1996_Mol.Pharmacol_50_1423
PubMedID: 8967962
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE