

Title : GABA receptor agonists and extrapyramidal motor function: therapeutic implications for Parkinson's disease - Bartholini_1987_Adv.Neurol_45_79
Author(s) : Bartholini G , Scatton B , Zivkovic B , Lloyd KG
Ref : Advances in Neurology , 45 :79 , 1987
Abstract :

GABA receptor agonists display a dual action on DA-mediated events. One includes a decrease in DA release, reduction in DA receptor density, and decreased response of postsynaptic cells to dopaminergic stimulation; it results in antidopaminergic effects. The other consists of a reduction of striatal cholinergic activity resulting in a facilitation of dopaminergic effects. These two effects could be dissociated depending on the dose of GABA receptor agonists. This dual action probably explains the results of clinical trials showing either amelioration of parkinsonian symptoms with aggravation of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia or improvement of dyskinesia without or with aggravation of parkinsonian symptoms.

PubMedSearch : Bartholini_1987_Adv.Neurol_45_79
PubMedID: 3030072

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Bartholini G, Scatton B, Zivkovic B, Lloyd KG (1987)
GABA receptor agonists and extrapyramidal motor function: therapeutic implications for Parkinson's disease
Advances in Neurology 45 :79

Bartholini G, Scatton B, Zivkovic B, Lloyd KG (1987)
Advances in Neurology 45 :79